Interstellar, the Movie
Plot: In Earth’s future, a global crop blight and second Dust Bowl are slowly rendering the planet uninhabitable. Professor Brand (Michael Caine), a brilliant NASA physicist,...
Plot: In Earth’s future, a global crop blight and second Dust Bowl are slowly rendering the planet uninhabitable. Professor Brand (Michael Caine), a brilliant NASA physicist,...
Can humanity thrive without government? Of course it can. But the masses in America apparently need proof, so here it is. According to and the New York times, Spain has been...
Since at least 2015, NASA’s website has boasted of finding several earth-like habitable planets. Did they forget to send Europe the memo? On June 20, ESA announced its program to...
My experiences carrying out Black Ops in Haiti under MK Ultra mind control gave me deep insight into the plight of this traumatized nation. Haiti was being used as a testing ground for trauma-based...
An Invitation To Use The Solstice To Break Up Resistance To Humanity’s Awakening by Parisse Deza With the Summer Solstice in mind, I asked my...
Color me crazy, but I’ve never been on the cashless society bandwagon for a variety of reasons, not the least being that anything Mr. Globaloney is for, is probably ab initio et in principio...
This simple explanation on this article apply for those that are learning about this pressing issue. The more knowing and knowing, the better for everyone. – ~ = We...
“Fascinating how president Putin honor big families with their beautiful children! This is heart warming, and a lesson for many of us for learning…” <love< heart>
INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “More Intel” 6/8/17 Subject: “More Intel” 6/8/17 1. 63 million people worldwide in the last 6 months have stepped down as the cabal...
The Misconception for Adolf Hitler: Facts do not Lie >>>and we quote: “When I am gone my spirit will be with you for ever.” Adolf Hitler. Many people in...
SWASTIKA is a Sanskrit word which means GOODWILL Below is short history about the Swastika from the people: uneel Reddy: Aryans is not a...
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