Monthly Archive: October 2013


To This Day Project

                  And we quote: Love without courage is not love Navigate:


Through the Looking Glass

You lead two lives or more. You play this role or that. You play out many scenes, and you switch. You are a many-splendored thing. All of the roles you play in the world...


Thought of You

  I was going to write more than a few lines for this video, but then I could not think of anything except to watch it endlessly. Enjoy!  


Declaration of I AM

  To everyone, this declaration of I AM is of tremendous power, of immense energy charged within every word of the entire document, but this part in particular is worth memorizing it so you can...


Will and Word Declaration of i

      The Will and The Word of I   Published by Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf on October 7, 2013 IN LOVE, GRATITUDE AND PEACE Perception is such a beautiful tool! Expansion of perception...