Monthly Archive: July 2013
Dire Warning by the People of Ireland
Incredible Breaking News! In the name of the sovereign, free people of the ancient land of Éire, a Cease & Desist Order has been served on the chief executives of the Central...
Bob Wright DOV Documents
DOV means Declaration Of Value. We are the value. Value is our own energy; therefore we are the money, which is why the banks all these years kept that hidden from us!...
Bob Wright Deposits a DOV
This is a transcript of the One People Show from the 29th of July 2013. Bob discusses his DOV deposit from last thursday and the reactions he got from the bank. This is...
Edward Snowden’s not the story. The fate of the internet is
The press has lost the plot over the Snowden revelations. The fact is that the net is finished as a global network and that US firms’ cloud services cannot...
Fun With Heather
July 25th Anniversary, the UCC filings, Poking the Grumpy Bear with A Big Sharp Stick By D on RTS, July 25, 2013 This was posted late last night (my time) by Sean...
Project X111 App Ready For Window
Project XIII: Windows 8 Phone APP Released The app is free and avilable for download now from the Windows app store-
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