Intel Report: Children Abuse: BeBest for BeLess
By now the American people should have learned how to discern what some distinguished people think and promote is best for our children, as if they are the absolute authority over them. We are most certain the people are pretty much sick of these BS from corporations, and politicians as well that instead for promoting what would empower our children, they are promoting knowingly, and deliberately the contrary.
We all know that where distinguish criminals as Jeff Bezos+ Steven Mnuchin= septic worms,+ Bill and Malinda Gate,+ and Big Pharma agents are involve concerning the well being for our children, is definitely Not in best interests for them. Further, Bill, and Melinda Gate are two lawless criminals that should not be walking freely on the streets for all the direct,+ and covert crimes they have inflicts upon our children, and adults alike, domestic, and worldwide, pretending they are savior of mankind when the facts are, they are selling vaccinations for profit loaded with chemicals they very well know are lethal for the body functionality! Autism+ and many, many more degenerative disorder diseases in children are the cause of vaccinations. These are the criminals that are part of the evil compartmentalized zionists corporal greedy mobs that call themselves Jews but are not. The Muhammed-dan lineage of assassins, pedophiles, children murderers, slaves traders, slime balls females haters, control freaks demonic whores that call themselves Muslims but are not. The Bolshevik criminals, and from the gulag that with invasion, and fraud have taking over the country of Palestine, killing their people, and stolen their resources, and land to establish the suppose state of Israel of which the entire United States is its primary sponsor along their evil corporal zionists congress, CIA, FBI, DOJ, and all politicians alike that are accomplices for all the crimes they have committed in the Middle East region with their worldwide of distinguish evil zionists mafia families from NATO, WHO, UN, CFR, Atlantic Counsel, Franklin Templeton Investment, Mckenzie Co., UNICEF, UNESCO, IMF, BIS, M1 through M16, MOSSAD, SERCO, and the evil whore of all, China.= all disguising as good doers when they are simply trained criminals pirates, assassins, liars, and pedovores/pedophiles that work along the finest intellectuals whores as are ambassadors, esquires, and the so call lawyers=BAR, and clergies that as well comes from the zionists’ grads at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, Cambridge, Georgetown, and etc.= the big boys and big girls from the Uranium, Drugs and Arms Club. Also known as the Traitors and Invaders Club.= the worldwide energy vampires demonic whores. The Oconus Lures,+ and Blackberry affiliates. The ones that took over the entire court system in The United States, and the world so it would ONLY serves them; burying the rights of the people. The ones that had the audacity registering all nations and their governments and their people all across the world as individual corporations for themselves: something that they can sells for a price tag, so that then they can declare they own everything [everyone] any which way, inclusive all that we possess.= All done by means of fraud, and malfeasance.
The ones that have declared themselves being descendants from the cosmos, and we the people are not. The ones that are sending to spray the sky constantly with chemicals so it would cover the direct sun light from our sun god because we are not worth of it! The ones that are using/installing malicious spyware technologies within all computers+ phones+ and on the streets as tools for keeping tracks of our daily lives. The same fuckwits that wants the American people disarms,+ and put a nuclear weapon station on every big city of each country around the world. The same ones that have taking/highjacked journalism to another level all across the world= being full of lies, deception, and propagandas so it would keep the mass uninformed and ignorant, so that way they can feel superiors+ and honorable+ and hiding theirs hideous crimes against humanity, the planet, and all creatures through their media’s agents so call journalists from news papers, magazines, pages+ and television as are those from MSNBC, CNN, FOX, CBS, etc., that do and say anything for a pay check,+ and for looking [good looking] whores in front of a camera. The ones that take pride in plunder your country, replace your government, rape your women and children; put your men in jail or kill them, and starve the people to death. These are the facts.
Which comes to think, these are the people Melania Trump is associating with to promote the best for our children! We say to Melania Trump, where have you been? Are you really living in a reality world? How much stupid do you think the American people are? We get the direct and indirect messages with your BEBEST propaganda for your criminals affiliations. Truly, BEBEST is a path to BELESS for our children! By now you should have known that the United States has been a country where moral values+ and the restoration for our humanity, and nature has been lost. We have been honoring vices for virtue. The United States has been an insane asylum that time come to pass.
What you must be more on focus, is the delicate Threat that is separating children from their parents, as this is an issue highly enforced by the fucking corporal STATE, and Child Protected Services that ultimate goal is NOT protecting children, but instead is harming them in all forms, inclusive selling them for profit as if they are public property,+ as well facing death, and sexual immorality. For the allege DHS+ along with the allege Federal Government have thousands of children hold hostage within empty Walmart warehouses all throughout the country, Florida, and Texas as being the worse! They are also holding our children in cages! These children are from across the border that may as well comes from other continents that have been kidnaped, and or sold by their own families that they depended upon to protect them!!! Our hearts are broken to pieces! These children are a money making enterprise for the worldwide mafia families as are the Bush, the Jewish, the Arabs+ and the European royal mobs,+ and along theirs worldwide elite legion; and of course the allege corporal USA/US/DHS that through their allege Treasury gives them theirs bonuses of a Big fat pay check! And do not let us get started on the drugs, organs trafficking, jailing for profit, killing for insurance profit, and the serious business that is navigating people from all over the world through the border for their own gain! AND are you aware that the Amber Alert is actually a navigating tool for kidnaping children? All stablished+ and protect it by the local police, FBI+ and CIA globalists zionists Rockefeller’s Nazis paid for hire worldwide eugenics mobs. The CIA is globalism and globalism is CIA+ FBI. Enough said.
You must be also focusing on commanding the current educational system be shut down completely, by introducing a system of education that includes civics, the wonders of nature, having self respect, self responsibility, self liability, and as well be a custodian for the creation. Being protectors for our earth that is entirely holy sacred not only in the Hills of Palestine, Egypt, India, or Mecca but across the world from East to West, and North to South. Our Earth is a sentient Being, and so is the Sky, the Moon, the Sun, and even the air we breathe! And further, all our creatures whether from the waters, the air, and surface earth are all sacred. They all play a significant roll in our evolution, the evolution of the earth, and their own evolution as well. This includes even the tiniest of all living creatures, and inclusive all plants, trees, mountains, oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams. Planet earth is the kingdom where many kingdoms exists. They are our Creator’s kingdoms and our kingdoms. All kingdoms must be honor. All lives must be honor. >>Comeback and [navigate] reading fantastic knowledge that has been hidden from our humanity here: +
You must also be asking what is taking place all across children’s hospitals, and specially the Jewish children hospital call Saint Jude, where healthy children, and as young as newborn are being diagnose with heart issues, leukemia, cancer, and even diseases we never heard of. What really is going on is that these hospitals are hubs for distribution of blood+ organs,+ and flesh for the elites evil demons from Hollywood, and politicians alike that gives huge contribution to these hospitals so their demands are met! Killing children knowingly all ways always is their real business. No big deal for the zionists talmudic corporal Jews that worldwide treat the goyim and their babies as cattle. Same as the Mohammed-dan do. The ones that have no regards for the Creator’s creation; and thus the sexual immorality,+ and destruction of the family foundation across the planet. And do not let us get started with abortion clinics, castration clinics,+ and Plan Parenthood worldwide, where killing the unborn, and newborn is what they stand- working for the demonic pedovores so call scientists across the world for profit+ and demoralization of the creation in all forms inclusive of hybrid babies being born worldwide due to them mixing our genes with those of rats, monkeys, dogs, and cats, etc. Abortions clinics, castration clinics, Plan Parenthood,+ and most important of all, the allege corporal USA/US+ and along its corporal congress need be cease and desist perpetuity in order for nature restoration be restore.+ and in order for the country of The United States have a lawful own government that works along the principle founder laws of our country as that from the Article of Confederation that comes with The Bills of Rights,+ and the Declaration of Independence. For what it is natural laws? Destroy what no longer serve their useful purpose, and hold accountable, liable, and responsible the perpetrators. The invaders.
You should be as well enforcing extreme organic nutrition for schools lunch+ at home! As well as respecting the choice of parents Not vaccinating their children, that as well should not be enforce in the first place by Big Pharma corporal agents as are all doctors, teachers, politicians, and religious clergies. Nor it should be medical kidnapping an issue parents should be dealing with either! Further, under any circumstances NOT teaching our children racial devision, hate, religions superiority, and sexual immorality in all forms, inclusive deliberately infringing the cognitive development of a child gender with the idea that perhaps they should be the opposite gender of what nature made them BE! Transgenderism is a crime against children, but as well a dishonor to the Creator, and Nature. These includes as well castration of both genders such as clitoris mutilation, and circumcision. Further, it is the aim for all religions encourage their own people be the light! Meaning, being all walking the path for Christian-hood= Christ-like= Crystal light= one that practice transparency= light= true- knowledge. One that practice brotherhood, sisterhood, courage,+ custodianship for all the creation. Spirituality does not come from religion. It comes from our soul. “We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations and rituals created by humans, which was suppose to help people grow spiritually. Due to human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive and a tool for power struggle. Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simply a way of life, pure and original as was giving by our Creator of creation. Spirituality is a network linking us to our Creator, the universe, and each other.” ~and quote. We are a people that as ONE are on a mission as agents for the Creator here on planet Earth. That is all.
Moreover, you should enforce our children spending more time in nature than NOT+ keeping them away from dangerous technologies as television, where it expose brainwashing children with movies that trash the human race, and the creation!+ radio, cells phones, and too much exposure to wifi classrooms filled as well with filthy air conditioning. Same should applies at home! And further under any circumstances, and prohibited by law, and the people’s commands, NOT installing any 5G towers in schools ground! Let alone in neighborhoods. 5G waves can destroy our own make up do the speed of its radiation that it is faster than the one within our own aura! 5G is genociding our own body; our own humanity. We ask, are we that stupid, that greedy, that evil to allow this to destroy not only our humanity, but all creatures?
You should also be pointing out the dangerous influence that the worldwide zionists mafia have on our young adults within college campuses of our nation, inclusive the British corporation call Harvard University, others affiliates alike+ and all the way down to community colleges, to high school, where their educational system is based on false information, and or whatever suits the evil mobs compose of Jews that are NOT Jews; and Muslims that are NOT Muslims best. Not necessarily what inspire our young adults having an education that would guide them being respectable public servants for everyone, as well as helpful for their own spiritual journey that they learn from the facts of Nature. This is a serious worldwide issue that need be cease and desist, as it is a fact, the European zionists mafia is in charge of the worldwide educational system, inclusive all religions! The educational system, and all religions are based on false teachings, inclusive from the evil Talmud,+ and the Koran that are written texts by tribal criminals lords that main focus was; is navigating controlling the mass in all forms,+ and knowingly perpetrating genocide, infanticide, and sexual immorality in all forms inclusive transgenderism that is a form of castration, and de-generation for the intrinsic male, and female gender from our Creator: from nature. The zionists agenda as well is spreading democracy like the ones we have in the United States that in truth is nothing more than Zionism Judaism Fascism= Extreme Communism/Socialism that only serve the few while the rest of our humanity: our people are slaves that are hardly making it from one day to another. They are the zionists corporal mobs that follow no law except their own [global] domination of violation, invasion, fraud, and wars that are destroying all our cultures. The ones that have taking the sovereignty= freedom from all nations, and individuals away from them by force, and malfeasance for their own greed with no regards. The ones that need all be execute for their hideous committed crimes without prejudice, and with prejudice.
You should also be enforcing for everyone NOT be using our children; our youth as pawns for their own greed, sexual exploitation, and lavish demonic desires. These actions are off the lowest for moral values against our children, and those that perpetrates them. Our children are not public property, nor are any human for that matter. Leave our children be! In fact, Melania Trump should be telling everyone saying to their children, inclusive in classrooms that they are divine, and with unlimited possibilities! Infringing our children’s universe with adults malice, is not the way for a child divine development. It is our responsibility to care for our children in a responsible manner that navigates them Be all that they are= Divine Beings. You should also loud and clear call for the immediately closing for the GMO empire that is now own by BAYER from Germany,+ and the execution for theirs zionists evil scientists that flourish from theirs selective laboratories of prestigious universities that main goals are harming: transforming the natural seeds for the produce that nature gave us for our own survival like corn, wheat, rice, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, cotton, and etc., etc., with genetic modified organisms that are lethal for our own body function, inclusive bringing infertility for men, women, and all creatures worldwide. All done with the bright idea of creativity productivities,+ and recognition+ and greed for themselves. We are being genocide covertly,+ and overtly right in front of our eyes all ways always. Insanity like this should not even be crossing our minds, let alone bringing it to manifestation. Donald Trump, for example, is not in any position being promoting GMO that he knows well are malicious acts just the same as it is promoting/creating war domestic,+ and abroad for business at the expense of public health and trust. They both aim at destroying something deliberately. Same as it is using chemical aspartame as a food enhancer that is put in all kinds of prepared food that we all consume; and that to not scare the public it is now label NATURAL FLAVOR. Aspartame is known to cause serious health issues, inclusive of serious nerve disorders, and depression in children+ and adults.
Let natural farming be done by the local communities across the planet the natural way, by using methods that are not harmful to us, the food we eat, and the environment. Meaning, there are million ways to substitute aspartame, insecticides, and weed killer for example with natural methods that are not harmful to the creation. Further, taking the germs out of, say corn to make gluten free produce, is as well against nature. Be aware that nature made no mistake. Gluten free produce bring stomach issues= acidity. Inclusive of acid reflux that can be fatal, due to the missing agent call glucose that is there to balance its original nutrients. Which is why it is most obvious gluten free,+ and GMO produce must have added substances as are niacin, iron, thiamin, riboflavin and folate, which ultimately would bring more acidity to the body. Gluten free produce is another bright idea from the Zionists Scientists Club sponsor by the allege USA/US. Where fucking around with nature is the only path being honorable+ and wealthy regardless of its consequences.
Comeback to read more about the elite Jewish+ and royal evil mobs families across the world that mission has been poisoning humanity all ways always with chemicals put even in baby formula, the food we consume, and the air we breath. The criminals that must be all execute: Further, read how about the Cancer industry began. Make sure to read all 4 parts because it is explosive=
Further, those that are being a threat for our children in any form, inclusive teachers that are for a fact members for the Teachers Association that encourages that they persuade sexual immorality within their classrooms! = Sexual education in all forms inclusive sexual acts with their own teacher! This is a dirty little secret that leads to youth pregnancy, and thus more booming business for the abortions clinics! The Teachers Association is part of the Corporal Zionist Fascist agenda that created in the first place the path for the destruction of our youth! For the destruction of the family foundation with sexual immorality in all forms. All these evil snake agents should be banned from public services,+ be hold responsible for abuses against the vulnerable as are our children. These as well include the [suppose] health care professionals that [main] goals are destroying human lives instead of. These snakes agents lie, cheat, and do anything to make money such as with unnecessary surgeries that harms our body organs; put us on unnecessary medications that also harms our organs; having us taking all kinds of unnecessary tests, and specially the Americans seniors that can not have a peaceful old age without the intrusion+ and manipulations from these criminals that knows well medicare/medicaid/private insurance covers their gains at the expense of the people that have been brainwashed these criminals are their saviors. These are the same ones with the cancer, diabetes, heart blood pressure, and high cholesterol scam. The health care system from our country is a terrorist organization, and rightly so, is the educational system. We believe that if people have not good standing human moral values, under any circumstances these people must be NOT serving as public servants. People like these are a threat for our society. They must be destroy. And a new health care system must be born. And a healthy, awesome, respectable, and caring educational system for our children; for our youth must be born as well, if we want our human race to survive. We need not domestic or foreign top gold digger criminals whores disguising as good doers running our government/public agencies that are establish by our people for serving them with dignity+ and honoring our natural laws.
Right now the secretary for the educational system is an entity that comes from a well known mafia family that killing children+ arranging wars+ and sexual immorality against children, is what they are all about. Do you know who is the secretary of education? Now you know. Please do your own due diligence finding the facts. This secretary of education need be replace as soon as possible, the people command, with someone with high standards for moral values.
Must read article about transgenderism: Further, comeback and read how our outstanding journalist, Coreys Digs have gotten to the bottom of the transgenderism industry. It will blow your mind. Make sure that you read all 4 parts=
Also take time to watch these videos about the ultimate goal for the future of our children from the corporal demons that think they owns the children. Be on alert. Be informed. Have courage. Keep on learning. Do not consent. Listen to your heart. Protect our children all ways always, loose no sight! Predators are everywhere inclusive within our own doctor’s office! Know that we are at war for the safety,+ and survival for our children. Fight, we have no choice! And know as well that they want to destroy our country, our people, and our founding laws. These criminals must be destroy, and so must be all their convenient laws before they destroy the entire existence.
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