Rain of Cats and Dogs




It is no surprise that the infestation of parasites that this country of the united States of America ever got infected with for many decades is coming to an end.

These parasites that are call attorneys and lawyers and or should we say foreign agents of the alleged British Crown that main qualifications are that of being liars, and outlaw criminals in contempt of breach of trust; contempt of public law of, and or being with misrepresentation of public officials of the American people.

These outlaw are the ones call “the chosen ones” that had brought much misery to the people of the united States of America, the country, Canada, and many other countries around the world. The crimes are so of the lowest in nature it will take many pages to mention but we are going to make it short here so these parasites be aware of what is taking place, that is if you are not yet informed.

Be aware that fraud do not have a statue of limitation, and that anything done in fraud never happened.

With this being said be aware that we have you cover, and nothing will go unnoticed by the American people, as we have had it with the injustice perpetrated by the so call BANKS, LLP, LLC, CORPORATION (s) COUNTY CLERKS, REAL STATE AGENTS, MORTGAGE COMPANIES, COLLECTING AGENCIES, IRS, ASSOCIATIONS and or BUILDINGS/CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONS; And or grabbing for hire agencies that goes on every county of this country infringing and or usurping on the lives and or property of citizens whether they are living in their property or not, and or posting signs as abandoned property… stealing appliances… All in the name of gangs and or mafia where attorneys and lawyers are entirely behind it…ALL OF IT! Some of these agencies are very well known, let us think… can’t think of anyone right now but we know their millions all across the country all working for the BANKS according to them. These mafias have contractor, real state agents, the local corporate police and or sheriffs that traded their liberty for a bowl of porridge, and in many cases they even have neighbors for hire to do their dirty work spying!

They are all in unison with the BANKS, and with the public courts that are run by “vermin’s in black suits” and that call themselves judges when in truth they are attorneys of the same CORPORATION of the alleged United States of America Inc./UNITED STATES/IMF, and god only knows how many other there are with different names, Oh wait, the HOLY SEE or HOLY SEA?

In case you are not yet informed, all the alleged corporations mentioned above are all dissolved, in fact we the American people don’t even have a contract with the British any longer-meaning they are not managing our waterways as they were before, which come to think this is why all the alleged perpetrators jumped then to land to do piracy instead of just taking care of ships and or shipping issues- they thought they would be more prosperous inland committing fraud as they’ve being doing all along to the American citizens of the country of the united States of America, the continent. What a mammoth and convenient fraud!


There it hasn’t been an American citizen who hasn’t been through the experience of having their homes taking and or threaten to be taking by the perpetrators one way or another, and if not we are sure a family member had. Do you know what it is like to be put on the streets because you lost your job and or could not effort the “never was loan” and when you’ve owned your property for twenty years or more, or for a few years or less, and or you are a senior citizen in a wheel chair, Or a family with small children? Do you know what that feels like? Do you know how many people took their lives because of their lost hope to do anything more, even in many instances they did try to defend their property but their rights were denied?

Do you know how many families were broken apart because of their children taking away from them for the lowest crime as that of you infringing in the affairs of others?

The Corporate police, that is/are nothing more but outlaw as well are just as guilty, and this include all those fats clients that paid to attorneys to take other citizen’s property thinking that a registration with the State would give them/him/her the authority to infringe the lives of others just like the perpetrators do. These people will not go unnoticed either.

Which come to think this is exactly what is taking place with the Palestinian people! The court is doing the same thing, and we are very sure they are the British doing business as usually, and in another side being hypocrites pretending to help the poor Palestinian when in truth they are the same people taking their land in unison with the alleged oligarchs from Washington DC and the corporation of ISRAEL. People this is beyond the human mind, this is insane! To which god are you serving to? To which god are you serving to? Are you in planet earth? Hello!!

There it never have been a $%&*ng bank per say, it’s only have been thieves and outlaw committing the lowest of crimes against the American people, (the inherits  of the land), by these parasites calling themselves attorneys and lawyers. And do not get us started on the “for profit prison system” that is beyond comprehension.

Cocks suckers

The time has come to clean house and you are already in the trash can. And I am sure that you know by now that a lien of $279 trillion of lawful American dollars is against the BAR and it is already past due, amount other as that of your licenses being extinguished since 2013.

Many are the such entities that had resign of their “high paying jobs as whores for a pay check” and that they had keep their resignations a secret, but many courageous ones are making the move to go public, which we think this is a good idea because it would bring more awareness to the pressing issue, however we are going to say to these entities that resigned or not, you are still liable and responsible for all actions being taking previously against our people.

This is a very interesting fact and we are bringing it to you for your entertainment, Enjoy!


North Carolina recently launched a top-to-bottom review of the judicial system, a comprehensive look that will come from the assembly of judges, lawyers, government officials, business leaders and others called on by the state’s chief justice.

At about the time that review was beginning, Lewis Pitts, a lawyer who has accumulated many awards and recognitions for his work on children’s rights and more, was stepping away from the legal profession in North Carolina, ending his 40-year career in dismay.

Pitts, 68, was so troubled by what he perceived to be the common practice of attorneys and law firms to put making money above goals of seeking economic and social justice that he pushed the N.C. State Bar to establish a procedure for resigning from the profession.

Though the state bar, for many years, had allowed non-practicing lawyers to slip into “inactive status,” Pitts wanted something different, but he had to go to the N.C. Supreme Court to win approval for the resignation procedure that fit his goals.

“My resignation is because I see an overall breach by the Bar as a whole of the most basic of professional conduct and ethics such that I do not want be be associated with the Bar,” Pitts said in a letter on April 23, 2014, to Ronald Baker Sr., who was president of the N.C. State Bar at the time.

In a four-page letter, Pitts proceeded to outline his observances of a profession that had him working in South Carolina, the District of Columbia and then North Carolina since 1994.

“I do not mean to be mean or flippant,” Pitts said in his letter. “The ministry of law has been a powerful force in my life and I have had the pleasure of working with many terrific people in pursuit of justice — lawyers and non-lawyers. I want these parting words to stir your minds and hearts into reflection, boldness, and transformational action.”

Pitts, a Greensboro resident now, spent almost two decades at Legal Aid of North Carolina, where he founded the statewide children’s unit and fought with others against the so-called Schools to Prison Pipeline.

A North Carolinian who hails from South Carolina, Pitts, a graduate of Wofford College and the University of South Carolina school of law, has experienced peaks and valleys while taking on the big and small in a career that includes bringing lawsuits against a former North Carolina governor, a state Supreme Court chief justice and trying to subpoena political adviser Karl Rove.

He describes himself as a public interest lawyer and he worries that others in the legal profession have left the public out of their interests.

“From my earliest days as a lawyer, I have been concerned that the role of our profession has been to serve and protect the political and business Establishment and not to uphold Rule of Law,” Pitts said in his letter of resignation from the Bar, which was not official until October, when the N.C. Supreme Court ruled on the new North Carolina procedure to “relinquish” membership.

Pitts, a colorful speaker who is tenacious but typically upbeat, has been on both sides of the bar — not only representing the accused but facing accusations for his participation in a range of political protests.

Reached by telephone recently, Pitts talked enthusiastically about the conversation he hoped to start when taking the unusual step of relinquishing his bar membership. Pitts said he was concerned his colleagues in the legal profession had known for years about injustices in the justice system that have laid the foundation for the #BlackLivesMatter movement and this country’s high rate of incarceration. He complained about the indefinite detentions ordered by the president and contended that people and corporations with financial means get better representation than those who cannot afford high-priced attorneys.

“Yet the Bar does little but applaud as big firms make millions; hourly rates on the corporate side are sinful,” Pitts said. “…The quality of legal representation on either the criminal or civil side depends on the amount of money one has. What a travesty: Millions of people desperately need legal representation while there are a flood of lawyers who cannot find work such that bar associations discuss the crisis of too many law schools.”

Several attorneys gathered at a N.C. State Bar disciplinary hearing last week in Raleigh read Pitts’ letter, and though they did not disagree with many of his points, chose not to respond publicly.

When asked why he did not stay in the profession and try to make it better by working within his field, Pitts responded: “I did for 43 years.”

There was no “hair trigger” that made Pitts decide to step away when he did. “It was like the hypocrisy was eating my physically and psychologically,” Pitts said. “There are individual lawyers that have a conscience, but they’re trampled by the system.”

Pitts called his appeal “a desperate plea” in “some explosive times when the rule of law really needs to mean something.”

“I guess it’s time for our profession to undergo a moral checkup,” Pitts concluded.  End.

This is great! We love when he said it is time for the profession to go in a moral check up.” People this is exactly what all the so call attorney/lawyers need to do! BUT we are going to also tell you that you do not have to sweat it, no, all you have to do is just tell the alleged BAR CLUB that they are dissolved-that they are obsolete, made NULL & VOID AB INITIO NUNC PRO TUNC AD INFINITUM, and that you are simply leaving the sinking ship, that is all. Why would you need to go and ask a court or a judge about it, are they your master and you their slaves? Oh wait, you are and always has been a slave, isn’t it? Welcome to the club, for heaven sake are you seeing the light yet?

We advice you to do your own due diligent because what it was it is not what it IS NOW. And you know what, a poor homeless on the street is more aware of what it’s taking place than all of you “air heads” that traded their country for a bowl of porridge.

We are most certain that the rain of cats and dogs has just begun.
~we the people


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