US Supreme Court Hands 2020 Election to Trump—Top Democrats Says “We May all be Moving to Canada Soon”
July 1, 2020 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An insightful new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining the six major rulings handed down over the past two weeks by the United States Supreme Court, says first to note about these high court decisions was the leftist American propaganda mainstream media celebrating what they called wins for socialists, while at the same time they censored from view those supporting President Trump and the rule of law—with the decision most being celebrated by these leftist-socialist forces this high-court striking down a Louisiana law restricting abortions—a heavy loss for anti-abortion activists that saw Chief Justice John Roberts joining with liberal justices in this 5-4 ruling, while President Trump appointed justices Gorsuch and Kavanaughjoined the losing side—which proves Trump appointed justices will side with life over death—shows that Trump just needs one more justice to end abortion forever—and is the main reason Christianpeoples overwhelmingly voted for him the first place, and will do again this year in even stronger numbers—numbers that will now include large numbers of black American people, a larger share of whom than whites say they are Christian—and today are black Americans rising up in horror on social media after a beyond shocking court video was released yesterday showing Planned Parenthood and abortion industry officials giving sworn testimony describing how babies born alive with beating hearts in their facilities are then harvested for organs—is a Planned Parenthood baby killing organization founded by socialist icon Margaret Sanger, who demonically outlined the true goal of abortion by stating: “We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population”—and by these socialists keeping this truth hidden, today sees abortion being the number one killer of black lives in the United States—a reality fully known to the US Supreme Court, who next year will revisit the abortion issue in hundreds of cases now flowing towards it, and that also quietly this past week cleared the way for the Trump administration to carry out the first executions in the federal criminal justice system in 17-years—which provoked a bizarre reaction from top socialist Democrat Party leader US House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, who during a forum this week inexplicably turned to his socialist comrades and said: “We may all be moving to Canada soon”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, not being understood by the Americanpeople about the US Supreme Court is that its Chief Justice John Roberts has successfully navigated these court’s rulings through one of the most turbulent periods in United States history—and whose actions have seen him having thrown from contentious debate during the 2020 presidential election season some of his nation’s most bitterly fought over issues—many of which socialist forces are celebrating as wins—but who fail to notice that in every single one of these high court rulings over these past two weeks, none of them are what they appear to be—best exampled by:
The case of Bostock v. Clayton County—that in a 6-3 ruling saw socialists celebrating it as an “historic major victory” given by the US Supreme Court to LGBTQ employees—though in reality this decision was neither historic or major, as is only ruled on a law called the Civil Rights Act of 1964, not the constitutional merits of the case—and explained by Trump appointed Justice Neil Gorsuch, who wrote the majority opinion and said: “It is impossible to discriminate against a person for being homosexual or transgender without discriminating,,,If the employer fires the male employee for no reason other than the fact that he is attracted to men, but not the woman who is attracted to men, that is clearly a firing based on sex”—thus meaning that if any future US Congress changes the wording of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to exclude LGBTQ employees, it’s perfectly legal for them to do so.
The case of Wolf v. Vidal—that in a 5-4 ruling saw socialists celebrating another “major victory” given by the US Supreme Court to illegal DACA migrants—though in reality this case was major win for President Trump, as this high court ruled the DACA program was illegal and unconstitutional, they just didn’t agree with the way the case was processed.
With Chief Justice Roberts being the pivotal swing vote in the rulings taking off the table for the 2020 presidential election the incendiary issues of abortion, LGBTQ employee rights and the DACA illegal alien programme, this report notes, his pacification of his court’s liberal justices allowed him the freedom to side with conservative justices in the cases that really matter, and in some bring liberal justices along with him, as all good horse traders do—which include:
The case of United States Forest Service et al. v. Cowpasture River Preservation Association—a 7-2 ruling that saw the US Supreme Court wiping out all lower court rulings to allow a needed gas pipeline to be built across the Appalachian Trail that socialist environmentalists had been fighting tooth-and-nail to stop for years.
The case of Seila Law LLC v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau—a 5-4 ruling that saw the US Supreme Court wiping out all lower court rulings and declaring that the US Congress can’t write laws telling a president whom he can and cannot fire—and now gives President Trump the right to fire anyone he wants in the Executive Branch of government “at will”.
The case of United States Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International, Inc.—a 5-3 ruling that saw the US Supreme Court wiping out all lower court rulings that supported godless socialist billionaire George Soros, and others like him, from using US tax dollars to fund their overseas operations—and saw Trump appointed Justice Brett Kavanaugh eviscerating Soros and these socialists with his majority ruling words: “In sum, plaintiffs’ foreign affiliates are foreign organizations and foreign organization operating abroad possess no rights under the U.S. Constitution”.
The case of Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue—a 5-4 ruling that saw the US Supreme Court slamming religious bias in a state tax-credit scheme that denied equal rights to religious schools and making it illegal—saw Chief Justice John Roberts writing for the majority: “A state need not subsidize private education, but once a state decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious”—and whose historic ruling handed down just yesterday, now “Paves Way For Americans To Drop Anti-American, Anti-Christian Schooling”.
While doing everything in their power to keep the American people from knowing about President Trump’s historic victories in the US Supreme Court, this report concludes, socialist Democrat Partyforces and their leftist mainstream media lapdogs fearful over their most divisive issues being masterfully eliminated from the 2020election season by Chief Justice Roberts, are now attempting to ignite their leftist base of voters by spreading rumors that conservative Justice Clarence Thomas “might retire”, as well as them starting rumors that conservative Justice Samuel Alito “may be eyeing retirement”, too—but who’d be better advised to notice the just releasedPew Research Center survey-poll that shows 71% of the Americanpeople are angry, and 68% of them are fearful—a survey-poll that admits that it’s weighted by 59% or 64% against President Trump, thus making its predictions more wishful thinking than reality—though most interestingly it stunningly found that “optimism about life for future generations has increased among Black adults”—optimism shared by the American black couple that filmed themselves “cracking up with laughter” this past week while walking past a Black Lives Matter protest “with zero black people”—laughter no doubt coming from them knowing how demented socialists are using black people as the excuse to tear their nation apart—though most critical to note about this survey-poll is its echoing near exactly the anger and fear felt by the British peoples of last century who watched as their socialist leaders nearly destroyed their nation—fear and anger that saw the British people throwing into power the most rabid conservative they could find to defend them—who was Prime Minister Winston Churchill they put in power on 19 May 1940, who then defeated the socialist Nazi German threat like they knew he would—though after doing what the British people put him in power to do, saw them throwing him out office on 26 July 1945 after Nazi Germany was defeated, but before World War II ended a month later in August-1945, so they could go back to their normal socialist ways—but then saw them throwing him back into power on 26 October 1951 when Soviet Union socialist-communists reared their ugly heads—thus proving the historical fact true that when people are angry and fearful, they always pick the most fearsome leader available to protect them. = this posting
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