It is heart breaking the fraud committed by these criminals in order to achieve greed, and power. How they almost destroy the country of Haiti, and stole their children to distribute them worldwide to their thirsty demons clientele. This is unfathomable. One thing for sure is that humanity: the American people want these criminals held accountable for these atrocities, = public execution.
NONE of these donations for the Haiti earthquake that they (the criminals) themselves orchestrated has been for helping the Haitians people, to the contrary, far as we know, only a few homes has been built for some… The earthquake was deliberately done to scam money, and all the donors are embedded with the Clinton Foundation! We call this, one of the biggest atrocities: scam: genocides of human kind, beside Uganda, and many alike. Hard to believe that during these days and time, this really happened right in front of our noses.
So the Clinton Foundation spends $45 million on a hotel in Port-au-Prince in Haiti to house aid workers, investors and visitors – but not actual Haitians.
It was then placed in the control of Digicel, a company that donated over $10,000,000.00 to the Clinton Foundation.
CEMEX (also known as Cemex Corporation) was given over $7 million for a contract to build houses in Haiti, a few years after the earthquake.
CEMEX donated over $25,000.00 to the Clinton Foundation.
MWH Americas received part of the $540 million in contracts awarded from USAID.
MWH Global, Inc. donated between $25,000.00 to $50,000.00 to the Clinton Foundation.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation created the Haiti Mobile Money Initiative (HMMI) and gave their first monies to Digicel through USAID.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the top donators to the Clinton Foundation.
Fred Eychaner was one fo the supporters for Partners In Health’s Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais in Mirebalais, Haiti.
Eychaner is one of the Clinton Foundation’s top donors.
Frank Giustra created a $20 million fund with Bill Clinton and Carlos Slim to finance small businesses in earthquake-ravaged Haiti.
Giustra is also one of the top donors to the Clinton Foundation.
UNITAID has done active work in Haiti for a while, treating HIV and tuberculosis.
UNITAID is also a top donor to the Clinton Foundation.
UNITAID also funded the ExpandTB programme, which was coordinated by FIND and launched in 2008 by StopTB.
AUSAID did extensive work in Haiti after the earthquake, with Haitian children creating songs, poems and drawings for them.
AUSAID also donated between $10,000,000.00 to $25,000,000.00 to the Clinton Foundation.
The Australian Government did extensive work in Haiti, including using $26 million donated by the Australian public at requests of Australian NGO organisations to help Haiti.
Part of this also included deploying the Australian Civilian Corps.
More specifically, AUSAID financed $750,000.00 to the construction of cisterns for rainwater catchment and storage, with the project implemented by IICA in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture in Haiti.
I’m not 100% sure of this, but some of Stephen L. Bing’s donations may have been used for the Clinton Foundation’s Haiti efforts.
Bing donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Kind of relevant, I guess, but apparently Stephen Bing’s private jet was used by Bill Clinton when he travelled to North Korea to meet Kim Jong-il in August 2009.
I have already mentioned Australia’s actions in Haiti. They donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
COPRESIDA (also known as Consejo Presidencial del SIDA de República Dominicana) worked on combating HIV and AIDS in the Dominican Republic, Haiti’s neighbour.
COPRESIDA donated $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
AID FOR AIDS once donated medicine for 3,000 people directly to COPRESIDA. However, AID FOR AIDS is NOT a donor. They worked with HEDAC to do this.
Golisano Children’s Hospital has helped a few children from Haiti recover from needed surgery.
Tom Golisano has donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Pritzker Family Foundation is listed as one of the many supporters for Partners In Health in 2010, who have been mentioned before.
J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Norway also did extensive work with Haiti after the earthquake.
The Government of Norway donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Found randomly, but Jimani in the Dominican Republic was transformed into a gateway for relief efforts and a safe haven for Haitians after the earthquake in January 2010.
Cheryl and Haim Saban did work in Africa in May 2011, as revealed through one of Clinton’s e-mails.
Cheryl and Haim and their foundation, The Saban Family Foundation, donated $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Tents to Shanti Fund was created by the Marin Community Foundation, which focused on under-served communities in Jacmel, Haiti.
The Susie Tompkins Buell Fund of the Marin Community Foundation donated $10 to $25 million to the CF.
The Clinton Foundation set up the Clinton Foundation Insamlingsstiftelse to gain direct funds from the Swedish Postcode Lottery.
The Swedish Postcode Lottery donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Swedish Postcode Lottery is one of the many partners of SOIL Haiti. Other partners include the American Red Cross, the Clinton Global Initiative, SalesForce Foundation, Partners In Health, Clinton Bush Haiti Fund and UNICEF.
The Elma Foundation committed funds to supporting St. Damien Pediatric Hospital in Haiti, aiming to match donations by $500,000.00 in January 2014.
Elma Foundation donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
FIND, mentioned before in the thread, receives donation support from the Elma Foundation in South Africa, alongside the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Australian Government, Stop TB Partnership, UNITAID and the World Health Organisation.
Tom Hunter and Bill Clinton launched the Clinton-Hunter Development Initiative in both Malawi and Rwanda in 2006.
The Hunter Foundation donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
The United Nations, the Haiti Government and the Rockefeller Foundation once worked together to eradicate illiteracy from Haiti.
The Rockefeller Foundation donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
The Victor Pinchuk Foundation teamed up with the Clinton Foundation and ANTIAIDS to combat AIDS in Ukraine in September 2006.
The Victor Pinchuk Foundation donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
ANTIAIDS is actually the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation.
“The panelists all agreed that one of the problems with philanthropy and nonprofit groups was the public’s lack of understanding of where the money people gave was being used.”
Casey Wasserman and the Wasserman Foundation have an extensive relationship with Bill Clinton. Wasserman has helped with Hiati donations.
The Wasserman Foundation donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Casey Wasserman also has some measure of influence over Doug Band, who contacted the Department of State in 2009 to discuss gaining visas for the Wolverhampton Football Club.
F.J. Pollak (now deceased) and Carlos Slim both profited from the Obamaphones, as Pollak’s company, TracFone, supplied each phone, making $10 per phone.
TracFone Wireless, Inc. donated between $10 to $25 million to the CF.
The Waitt Foundation worked with the Clinton Foundation to make the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) a success, which did work in Caracol Bay in Haiti.
Theodore W. Waitt donated between $10 to $25 million to the CF.
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