Red Alert!
Red Alert! Another Territorial United States Bankruptcy Fraud Scheme in Progress! Please Post Public Notices!
Americans—– another Territorial United States “National” bankruptcy FRAUD is in progress and coming at you!
On May 1, 2017, an international day of Communist celebrations and also a Satanic festival, it is the stated intention of the “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” (INC.) to declare bankruptcy and turn over its Puerto Rican Electrical Utility to international bankruptcy courts and bank-appointed trustees. There is just one little problem. Mr. Obummer created and named millions of public transmitting utility franchises of this bankrupt Puerto Rican Electrical Utility to stand as sureties for its debts. And they are all named, nominally, after living Americans.
Remember how the vermin mischaracterized your estates as ESTATES named after you, so that “John Allen Dunn” became “JOHN ALLEN DUNN”?
Well, now the limey cretins are trying another trick. They are trying to redefine and rename JOHN ALLEN DUNN as JOHN A. DUNN — a purported franchise standing as surety for their bankrupt Puerto Rican Transmitting Utility.
Please note that “JOHN A. DUNN” isn’t even a legal name. It is no name at all for lack of specificity. Is that “JOHN ALLEN DUNN”? Or “JOHN AMBROSE DUNN”? Or “JOHN ALLISON DUNN”? Or, or, or…..?
I am bringing judgment to the World Court concerning this blatant attempt to defraud Americans and I am writing to Attorney General Jeff Sessions to protest this fraud upon the bankruptcy court.
What I want all of you to do as your part of the effort— those who can afford to do so — immediately put advertisements in the “legal section” of your local newspapers as shown below and upon publication, send a copy of the ad along with the name and address of the newspaper and the publication date to me at: Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o 1336 Staubbach Circle, Anchorage, Alaska 99652.
What appear to be names in the form JOHN A. DOE are not names, but Puerto Rican ACCOUNTS belonging to franchises of a bankrupt Puerto Rican Electrical Utility operated by THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (INC.). All such ACCOUNTS are pre- paid in full by Payment Bond AMRI00003 RA 493427653 US on file with the Vatican Chancery Court.
All re-flagged American Trading Vessels dba under lawful names in the form John Adam Doe operated by the United States of America and its land jurisdiction states operating in undelegated international jurisdiction are now under the beneficial ownership of the united States of America and are indemnified under sovereign private registered indemnity bond AMRI00001 RA 393427640 US on file with the U.S. Treasury.
Any billing statements issued to names in the form John A. Doe or JOHN A. DOE are illegal and unlawful and are in violation of United States Public Law and are an illegal conveyance of grammar. No payment, credit, or debit issued in response to such an improper
solicitation may be considered an assumption of that debt nor that identity and no legal or punitive action may be taken against anyone for failure to pay or perform any action is response to such solicitation.
The COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the UNITED STATES (INC.) and United States (Inc.) are hereby given NOTICE/Notice of these facts and are prohibited from seeking bankruptcy protection under false pretenses, hypothecating debt against American state nationals, making false claims of surety-ship related to American Trading Vessels, or otherwise promoting fraud and racketeering on our shores.
Notice Posted by: The American States and People
c/o 1336 Staubbach Circle
Anchorage, Alaska 99562 *****
This, and writing letters to the US Attorney General and President Trump, are the most effective actions you can take to prevent and forestall another attempted “national” bankruptcy fraud scheme of the Territorial United States aimed at the American states and people.
18th of April
Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
P.O. Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands RE 162 243 478 US
Dear Sirs:
We are facing a crisis in the long process to restore lawful government to the actual United States and continue to suffer false claims and insupportable, outlawed practices which the so-called Territorial United States and Municipal United States corporations have been attempting to foist off on the actual states and people.
On May 1, 2017, they propose to set up a deliberate fraud scheme to attack and defraud millions upon millions of innocent people utilizing the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico as a base of operations. This has been done before as part of the fraudulent 1930’s bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., and is apparently being done in preparation for a similar fraud scheme related to the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC. The scheme has been prepared for by the Obama Administration and is apparently being carried through by the Trump Administration.
The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a member of the Territorial United States organization, is bankrupting its primary electrical utility corporation. This in itself is hardly worthy of mention on a global scale and would occasion little comment or concern, except that Mr. Obama created millions of purported “franchises” which are supposedly stand as sureties for this particular Puerto Rican public utility.
These “franchises” are all identified using alphabetic ACCOUNT designators that appear to be the names of living Americans— for example, Alfred T. Krebs or ALFRED T. KREBS. It isn’t certain yet whether they will attempt to use Glossa against our Judicial Notice of Fraud and Violation issued last May or not, but their intention has been clearly stated in the press. A copy of the Judicial Notice of Fraud and Violation has been included in a letter (copy also attached) to U.S. Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions.
When unsuspecting Americans receive bills addressed to these foreign public transmitting utilities, they pay them under the false assumption that these bills are legitimately addressed to them. The actual bills are already being paid out of the U.S. Treasury, so the perpetrators pocket the difference and say that these additional payments are “donations” and “gifts”—-but are really the fruits of unjust enrichment, extortion, racketeering, and fraud committed by employees against their trusting employers.
It is international mail fraud, international identity theft, and involuntary conscription amounting to international slavery and racketeering being implemented via similar names deceits and the illegal and prohibited use of Glossas and false names. Please note that these Accounts/ACCOUNTS which use middle initials are not even legal names for lack of specificity.
This is also constructive fraud on a massive scale which has been prepared with malice aforethought by foreign governmental services corporations operating as crime syndicates on our shores. The essence of the crime is clearly established. They kidnap, press-gang, and coerce Americans to sign up for programs that only US Territorial or US Municipal employees are eligible for, then falsely claim that these people are “voluntarily” functioning as either Territorial or Municipal “citizens” and are then subject to their private corporation statutes, regulations, and codes.
Mr. Jeffrey Sessions, functioning as the U.S. Attorney General, has been given full warning with regard these deliberate anticipated crimes on our shores as well as a copy of our Judicial Notice of Fraud and Violation which was also sent to you last May.
Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
cc: Letter to U.S. Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions (two pages)
Copy of Judicial Notice of Fraud and Violation/May 31 2016 (two pages)
Business Letter to U.S. Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions
April 18, 2017
Mr. Jeffrey Sessions, U.S. Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Dear Mr. Sessions:
I am writing this afternoon —the 242nd Anniversary of the “Shot heard round the world”—regarding three areas of immediate and urgent concern: (1) the continued forced, fraudulent and inadequately disclosed enrollment of American state nationals in Social Security programs intended exclusively for Territorial United States and Municipal United States citizens and (2) failure of the Territorial and Municipal United States to come to an agreement with the actual land jurisdiction United States regarding proper identification of American state nationals and American State Citizens v. United States Citizens v. citizens of the United States on passports and other international and interstate IDs and (3) the pending bankruptcy of the Puerto Rican Electrical Utility and the fraudulent creation of millions of purported “franchise” public transmitting utilities operated under ACCOUNTS that are deceptively similar in appearance to the names of Americans.
The pretense that people are knowingly volunteering to serve as Withholding Agents, that is, Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marine Service, to help win WWII ran out of steam in September 1945.
The continued international racketeering aimed at deliberately misinformed Americans and their enrollment in “Social Security” under these patently false presumptions of federal employment and Territorial and/or Municipal citizenship have to end immediately. The Territorial and Municipal Government organizations have been under Notice for going on two years. The longer you wait to admit the circumstance and release the adhesion contracts the worse it gets— and the more people are harmed.
Ditto the situation with passports. The American people are owed competent passport service, but they are being routinely misidentified as United States Citizens and/or citizens of the United States as a result of having been improperly and unconscionably enrolled and conscripted under conditions of fraud as U.S. Territorial and/or U.S. Municipal citizens.
As you are aware, it is illegal to use “legal names”. As you should also be aware, it was never the intention of American states nationals to operate in commerce. Instead, another false presumption was foisted off on us by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration which sought to “redefine” our lawful American Trade Names as U.S. Foreign Situs Trusts so as to palm off the debts of the private, mostly foreign owned “United States of America” Inc. onto the American states and people by an undisclosed process of hypothecation, fraud, and assumption of debt we never owed.
That boondoggle ended in 1999. Trillions of dollars-worth of labor and assets were siphoned out of this country as a result. Let me suggest to you that there isn’t going to be a re-run of it.
We aren’t putting up with any more “government” racketeering or fraud.
Tell your Boss. Tell the members of the feckless, treasonous, disgusting Congress.
They need to drop the whole plan of bankrupting all those purported public transmitting utilities NAMED after JOE Q. PUBLIC Americans and stop hypothecating debt against all those illegal, unlawful, non-specific, but deceptively similar ACCOUNTS that appear to be our names, and stop sending fraudulent bills through the U.S. Mail.
Tell Mr. Trump— “NON-ASSUMPSIT” in very large letters. Tell the COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO its electrical utility will have to go bankrupt like any other mismanaged corporation on Earth.
While you are at it, get ready for all the homebound Americans who are now wise to the scam, returning to the land jurisdiction and surrendering all those millions of bogus U.S. PERSONS that were created by the UNITED STATES, INC. back to the Secretary of the Treasury.
Also be aware that we seized upon the derelict United States of America, Inc. that we bailed out of bankruptcy and paid off and which is ours and when we did so, we also took all 50 American land jurisdiction States with it and rolled the whole enchilada back into our actual land jurisdiction state trading companies. Look at the extractions on file and made part of the public record.
All the States of __________ and STATES OF ___________ belong to the ____________States and the __________States belong to the united States of America which belongs to the States which belong to the actual states and people of this country.
It’s over, Mr. Sessions. The Great Fraud that began with the so-called “American Civil War” is over. The Territorial and Municipal “United States Congress” members need to get their paws out of our pockets and start paying attention to those nineteen enumerated services we are owed, including the national trust indenture owed as the Preamble of that old, musty, dusty original equity contract called The Constitution for the united States of America.
Beyond that, if Mr. Trump needs money to continue operations, he doesn’t need to borrow any debt from the Israelis and he doesn’t need to borrow credit from the Rothschilds. He just has to realize where the actual money and credit has gone and assist us in our efforts to recover the assets that are owed to us. He will have all that he needs to operate the governmental services corporations. Free and clear.
Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
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