Easter, the Sun, and the Gods of Fertility: War Among the Gods, Part 1
And we quote:
Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken, for truth like the sunlight shines above all.
He who over-steppeth the law shall be punished, for only through law comes the freedom of men.
For unreasonable anger, and desires are the most existing evil.
For it is decreed by fate that he that does any evil should suffer for it.
For it is the greatest evil in the world not knowing God.
The only service of God is not to be evil. ~ Thoth, the god of wisdom
What we are going to say here are based on facts written within the mysteries of old Egypt, the land of the pyramids. However, Alkebulan was the first name giving to the entire Continent of Africa where Egypt is. Alkebulan means “Mother of Mankind or the Garden of Eden.” Apparently, Alkebulan was the name giving to the entire earth as well during the Anubian Dynasty that was the first dynasty and or first government ever to exists here on earth, established by divine gods and the first humans for this round of creation. During the Anubian Dynasty there it was only one world government and one universal language. The Anubian Dynasty lasted almost twelve thousand years before it came the time for drastic changes. This is part 1 of 2 series. Navigate part 2 on link here> http://wetheonepeople.com/war-among-the-gods-birth-of-a-god-part-2/ Get ready to navigate one of the most exciting reading in your life!
Easter, the Sun, and the Gods of Fertility: War Among the Gods, Part 1
Easter should not be taking so lightly. Easter is all about the nativities= being the creation born again after a long year, and as well after a long cold Winter Season, is it not? Actually it is the beginning for another round of creation that start a brand new year that begin a few weeks after the Vernal Equinox that is on March 20-21. Easter is the time for restoring again all that exists by the God(s) that are in charge for restoration. Then a few months after follow the new year for the Summer Solstice that start in June 22-23. During the Summer Solstice our sun god go through a short pass through the Tropical of Cancer that goes through the middle of our planet. Do not confuse the new year of the Summer Solstice with the new year of the Winter Solstice that starts in December 21- 23= Christmas+ new year in January, where the sun god travels through the tropical of Capricorn= a specific area of our planet= at the middle of the planet. So the Easter new year, the Summer Solstice new year, and the Winter Solstice new year are all different events. And these events should NOT be confuse with the sun’s equinoxes new years.
The Equinox happens twice a year.=Vernal Equinox that happens around March 20-21, and the Autumnal Equinox that happens on September 22-23. An equinox is commonly regarded as the instant of time when the plane of Earth’s equator passes through the center of the Sun. In other words, it is the moment at which the center of the visible Sun is directly above the equator. The Solstices+ and the Equinoxes affect the different continents of the world with festive= holidays, new years, and as well having an effect on different religions across the world. Further, it is during Easter= Spring that the bunnies+ the birds that were hiding during Winter comes instinctively out from their caves,+ and nests welcoming the new Season that start the new year along with our Sun God that give us life,+ the light that nourish the food that we need for surviving this physical realm all through an entire year until it repeats again. In another parts of the world Easter falls within different months and dates, but regardless, we just need be concern with what is taking place within our own Hemisphere.
The name for our Sun God is AmonRa, or is it Jesus? He does not mind us calling him other names as long as we know he is managing the wheels for the traveling Sun LIGHT from within the Sun’s sphere that is VITAL for all living systems. It’s been written that managing the sun light for the creation is so important, that the Sun God would not dare give that responsibility to any other god, therefore he decided handling that himself. Literally and without a minuscule of doubt, we can say that he is our savior. AmonRa is the direct manifestation= son of Atum= the god of creation= prime creator. AmonRa and Atum= same creator God.
Yes, our Sun God faithfully does meet his responsibility without ever complaining about it. However, the fact is he is very sad. So sad that tears comes down his face from his precious eyes. His heart is hurting. Hurting by watching each day how the children of the Sun treat each other. How they treat the unborn,+ and the newborn. How they are killing each other among themselves. How they have forgotten about their own gods that are so vital for their existence. How they have lost the way. How they have ignored the Law of One, or for that matter even the Laws of Men. How they have forgotten restoring themselves,+ and nature.
And for every tear that comes from his precious eyes, he sends them down to earth as an ocean bomb of heart felt conscious light for all mankind awakening their divine essence sooner than later for their greatest empowerment.
And every day from the Gate from the East, our Sun God wakes up early in the morning mighty recharged and ready for a new day after a long night sleep in the Underworld. He does have a routine that is equal to twenty four hours that divides on giving twelve hours of sun light for ALL, navigating above the Sky of Nuit until he reaches the West Gate. Then after he passes through the West gate, it closes behind him, giving then the grand entrance to the Night Sky of Nuit. Nuit is an actual goddess that is the sky herself above us. Then our Sun God goes to sleep [died] for twelve hours= then twenty four hours= a day. Every day our Sun God is reborn again. AmonRa is the Sun, and the Sun is AmonRa. The Underworld, in case some are not aware of, is a sphere from Alkebulan/Earth where all spirit’s souls must passed through before navigating further destination. Apparently as well, the Underworld does have subsequent heavenly spheres where mighty gods reside.
The outer surface from Alkebulan or what we call Earth have mighty females Goddess as are Isis with her sister Nefte. AmonRa told Isis and Nefte that they both are to work with god Osiris watching over the crops that life needs sustaining itself. They are to manage the process of death that is to follow the activities of life together with Osiris that is the god of love, restoration,+ and vitality. AmonRa also bestowed upon Isis and Nefty power over magical healing. Meaning they can cure the sick, and or cure any disease! Then there it is Seth, the god of destruction+ and storms. These duties are bestow upon Seth by AmonRa, and are be manifests by Seth only when it is necessary destroying what no longer serve its useful purpose. Then Seth reminded AmonRa of Appep. AmonRa then told Seth that he needs be very careful handling his violent disposition= his violent temper.
Isis+ and Nifty are call by many names such as Ishtar, Mary, Nanna, Enana, etc., all depends the culture we are referring due the fact that these goddesses are well known worldwide from the beginning of creation; and it serves them well because without them, without their divine conscious reproductive energy at work, nothing would reproduce every year. Nothing would be reborn again like the trees, flowers, the food we eat, oceans, birds, animals, humans. In a nut shell, all living systems from planet Earth. AmonRa also told Isis and Nefte that from their light ships reflect a second darken light than the sun’s light during the night. This light reflection is what we call the Moon! In another way, the Moon that we see above us day and night is a light reflection of the Sun!
Above, a statue of Isis at the Egyptian Pantheon
Head of the goddess Sexmet or Hathor
After millenniums passed, Osiris and Seth went on separate ways living within two different palaces or temples. However, before that, they argued who their counsel would be. Then Osiris choose Isis as his counsel and lover= wife= queen. Then after Osiris chose Isis as his queen, Nefte had no choice but to go with Seth. Nefte regretted being separated from her sister Isis as they both fancy Osiris over Seth. Indeed this was a new path that Nefte was not happy about it, and Painful as it was, Nefte must go with Seth as his counsel= wife= queen, due the fact that she was as well good in controlling Seth’s violent temper. Regardless, peace was kept throughout all Alkebulan for a very long time.
And separating Nefte from Osiris and Isis is what much, much later on led the pathway for wars among the gods.
Before we continue, let us say that Alkebulan was created after Gaef and Nuit, and by giving order from Atum, need it separation from each other, as they were attached. Nuit= the day and night sky above us= female. Gaef= lover and brother of Nuit= male. Separating them was very difficult,+ and very critical due the fact that they were holding up creation+ and life. We should continue this further in details. Anyways, after Nuit is separated from Gaef, matters started to fill the waters of NUN, then planets started to form into Being, and the first primordial mass that extended from Gaef would be call Alkebulan. Within Alkebulan it would be a center point of landing that would be call Eden. Within this land of Eden all the children of Atum will finally find a place to perform their great work. It was then after that the first dynasty, or should we say government within Alkebulan is born. The name Anubian comes from the names Atum and or the Nun. Alkebulan= anubean or anubian, anubulan, nebula, nun, anun, allah, ankle, kaballa, abuela. Abuela= grandmother in Spanish.
Appeb is the antithesis of Prime Creator that his name is Atum, and that both Appeb and Atum are the children of NUN= the universal vast Conscious Ocean Sky of Nothingness, yet it contains all that exists. Appeb+ and Atum= the NUN= the Absolute. Not to be confuse with Nuit that is our earth’s sky although there are similarities.
Prime Creator needed creating more gods due the fact that more orders need it be added for this round of creation be finally complete. In another way, more gods needed be created in order to have a good government in place where it is now call Alkebulan or Eden. Then AmonRa created the goddess Sekmet or Hathor that have two aspects that could either spread infinite love or infinity hatred. She would/could manifest whatever she thought was/is necessary for whatever the needed circumstances. AmonRa also created the goddess Maat that is the goddess for order, good, truth, and transparency. She was/is to represent all that was/is good and truth. Long as Maat exists so would order,+ and so would truth. Maat was/is join with the god of wisdom that name is Thoth= the first deity created by Atum. Atum bestowed upon Thoth with the responsibility of being the architect for all reality, and or he would have the responsibility organizing all the orders+ and laws from Atum so mankind would be able to understands and works from them. Thoth is Atum’s messenger. Thoth created geometry, astrology, mathematics, and many more intellectual manuals for mankind on how the universe function, etc. Once the laws+ and orders from Atum are organized by Thoth, he then pass all these to the goddess Maat that she then has the responsibility passing it to mankind after they are born+ and inhabit the earth. To uphold the orders from Maat is to uphold the orders from Atum. AmonRa also created Basted= the goddess that can destroy snakes agents from Appep, or from other sources. Basted main duty is to protect the sunship of AmonRa from all danger. AmonRa also bestowed upon Basted the gift of working with Isis and Nefte healing the sick. He also created Anubis= the god that guides all the souls through the Underworld, the place where we go after we have left this physical realm. Meaning after what we call death.
And after eons of waiting for creation be complete, Alkebulan was ready for the gift of life! And long and behold, one day AmonRa told Osiris that he was ready to create mankind and Osiris was to be the leader of this new specie.
All the gods were giving bodies as that of the mortal men and women, however, some were giving as well body as humans but the heads as that of an animal. For example, Thoth was giving the head of an ibis; Hathor or Sexmet could take the head of a cow or a lion. Maat could take the form of a woman, or a feather. Anubis was giving the head of a jackal. And Seth, that of a compose manifestation of a dog, a fox, and a serpent. This was perfect for Seth since he was the manifestation of chaos that had no standard form. Basted was giving the body of a woman but the head of a cat. AmonRa liked the head of a hawk, however he could take any form whenever he wishes at will, but no matter what form AmonRa always took, a beacon of light was always shining on the top of his skull.
And AmonRa creates then all creatures, and all animals.
AmonRa was so moved how the creation was being develop,+ and having a planet to sustain life along with a sun that himself manage over the sky of Nuit.+ and as well having a pantheon for the gods that governs it– this was much too much for celebration and happiness. He got so emotional that tears came running from his eyes. And these tears took forms as the first men and women of Eden. Meaning AmonRa created the first humans species. These species were very beautiful and with distinctive characteristics, as for example, some were with stunning dark skin color; others with stunning red skin; others had yellow, brown, white, and even blue skin! Some of them were very tall, and others were not. These species then were settled by AmonRa himself all throughout where it was land so they would multiply. These species as well were very intelligent that learn quickly working with nature and the animals for their own survival.
And after a very long, long time, and after men had grown so quickly with knowledge thanks to the wisdom of Thoth, and the orders from the goddess Maat, Osiris then introduced himself to them as their king with his queen Isis. They were a loving couple that cared indeed about the common men, women, and children of Eden.
And great reverence was giving worldwide to the great pharaoh Osiris and his queen Isis by the people. Further, Seth and Nefte were also doing their part. Seth took care of removing what no longer serve their useful purpose, while Nefte help him controlling his temper. And peace, prosperity, and good health reigned for millenniums within the vast land of Alkebulan= Eden.
The old magicians, or should we say, astrologers were people that knew about the movement of the sun god, and how the science of Astrology should apply for our own benefit. These wise men and women were highly spiritual, and they honored Astrology as the only true science that has always been and always be. So important was Astrology in the old days that just about everyone on the planet was aware of its importance. They knew how to take advantages of the energy from the traveling sun accordingly the seasons of the year. They also knew the sun god share its lights with others spheres where deities exists. They also knew as well, that the sun’s energy would some day absorb us all to its own core, but this would be a subject for another day. What we need remembering is that Astrology is a sacred science, and the sun god revolve around it, or is it the other way around? Do not whatsoever confuse the now days Astrology with the real Astrology we are speaking of. The Astrology of now days is an illusion of the real Astrology.= it needs much spirituality,+ and awareness of the facts that the human body and along with the earth’s minerals is run and or is manage by the stars, or Beings= intelligent bodies from our very own planetary system.
We are going to touch briefly about a war that took place among the gods during the first dynasty within Eden during the Anubian Dynasty. Keep in mind that Eden/Alkebulan although it all started in what it is call now Africa, then it was refers as well to the entire planet, where then was only one world government and one universal language. This war took place twelve thousands years [after] the Anubian Dynasty was in place. Get ready for action+ and magic!
It all started with the heart breaking surprising death of the loving pharaoh Osiris during the prime of his usefulness= youth according to the numerical age of a god for this round of creation within this physical realm.
While Osiris is living in his temple with his queen Isis, and peace and harmony reign all throughout Eden, one day Nefte told Seth that she is missing Isis and Osiris and that she is going to visits them. Seth agreed and let her go to visits Isis and Osiris for a while.
As time passed, Nefte is taking much too long to come back to Seth. And since he is missing her very much, suddenly Seth decided stopping by Isis and Osiris’s temple to check with his own eyes why is Nefte taking so long to comeback home.
However, when he arrived at Isis and Osiris’s temple, he got the surprise of his life, as he found Nefte making love to Osiris with the permission of Isis, of course.
Furious, jealous, betrayed,+ and humiliated, Seth did all that he could to control his temper and not killing them all at once!
Instead of killing them all after being busted, Seth decided create a plan like no one has seeing before. A plan that would be for ever remember in the history of the gods, mankind, and this round of creation.
He returned to his palace or temple if you will, and then after, Seth commanded preparing a banquet with the most succulent presentation, fun games, and beautiful dancers. Further, he invited all the gods as his guests. However, he did not invite AmonRa because he can not leave alone his sun’s boat, and he did not invite Thoth either because he would see right through what he was about to do.
He took a vessel, and according to his instructions and design, the vessel is made fit for someone that is invited at the gathering. Whosoever fits inside the vessel perfectly would receive a fine gift as a present. The goddess Hathor, Anubis, and others participated in the game but none fitted in the vessel. Finally, it is Osiris turn.
And to the amusement, Osiris fit perfectly in the vessel! The measurements were perfect fit for the body of Osiris, and everyone laughed and clapped to the king’s surprised!
Then for the amuse for all at the gathering, Osiris lay comfortable inside the vessel while jokingly saying to Seth, Seth, my brother, I must be the winner of your game?
Why? it seems you speak truth, said Seth.
Then what is my reward, Seth? Osiris asked.
Seth approached the vessel, and raising his sword, he said, Osiris you will be giving the honor of being the first god to died.
In front of all the guests, Seth plunged his sword into Osiris. Osiris tried to fight back struggling to get out but Seth pinned down the vessel, and violently slicing Osiris tongue so no one would hear his screaming. Seth cut off Osiris body into forty two pieces. He cut off his penis, took off his eyes, his lungs, heart… He ripped all his organs, and cut off his toes! The gods+ Isis and Nefte tried to stop him but Seth was too furious to stop. Seth is pure destruction and since he chose to destroy Osiris, there it was nothing none of the gods could do without placing themselves in great danger.
Then after he had decimate Osiris, he chases all the rest of the gods out of his home! Then Nefte and Isis reluctantly retreated, swearing to avenge the death of their fallen lover. Seth then laughed at their threats.
Filled with pride of having killed Osiris, Seth then after had the audacity announcing publicly that he had kill Osiris, and at the same time showing all Eden all the body parts from Osiris’s body to prove it! He then after saved all the body parts and scattered them all throughout the vast land, then further proclaiming himself the pharaoh of Eden. No one was able challenging or say anything about Seth’s actions because they were all scared dying just like Osiris. Then Seth forced Nefte be his queen and counsel as the rulers of Eden, but Nefte was not happy about this.
Both Isis and Nefte are terrified with the death of Osiris. Desperately they asked Anubis, the god for the dead for assistance returning Osiris back to life! And Anubis told them that there was no way he could assist, not if Osiris died without his organs. It is of extreme importance that when the mortals died they are buried with all theirs organs or else they cannot recuperate their body again once they are in the underworld. They must be complete. They must be original as nature made them. A decimated body can not contain a soul, Anubis said.
Meanwhile, AmonRa is watching everything from above his sun’s ship, and did not want intervene in the moral coil though. However, the death of Osiris took him by surprise, and now AmonRa is more concern traveling every night to the underworld so he can find the soul of Osiris in the afterlife. Apparently, finding Osiris soul within the vast Underworld is very important for AmonRa, and it is not an easy task either.
Yet while looking for the soul of Osiris, AmonRa became trapped in the Underworld. And now with no sun in the sky, the reign of Seth as a pharaoh is a very dark age.
Time passed, and Isis is living by herself out side of town. Determined to bring Osiris back from the dead and not knowing what to do first, she asked Thoth, the god of wisdom for assistance.
Luckily, Thoth located the organs from Osiris body and gave Isis a map to find them. It took Isis a while but she finally collected the scattered body parts, saved under the sand within different areas of the vast desert.
Now the question is, how to bring Osiris back to life? Her entire life is a disaster. Seth has taking her sister away from her,+ and having witnessed Osiris painful death right in front of her eyes was much too much! Much too much.
She then traveled back to the temple or palace where she and Osiris once lived. She could not believe her eyes when she arrived, as once a magnificent palace is now falling apart during Seth’s reign. It is as if life has cease to exists around the palace.
Still Isis is determine to bring her lover back to life. She then asked Thoth and Anubis again for help bringing Osiris back! She also sent a secret message for Nefte, her sister, informing her that Isis has found all the pieces of Osiris, and she is ready to resurrect him.
Immediately Nefte spirited away to assist. They also knew that it would not take long for Seth finding out Nefte is missing.
Anubis, Isis addressed. What is the state of AmonRa in the Underworld? Anubis explained that AmonRa successfully met the soul of Osiris, and that in the land of the dead, Osiris has gained even greater power. Yet when Osiris return to the moral coil, his power would be far, far lessen. He also explained that once Osiris return to life, AmonRa would be free to leave the land of the dead, and return the sun to the proper place over the land of Eden
Isis asked how would they bring Osiris back to life again? Anubis told her that it would take the effort of everyone present to put all the pieces back to the corpse of Osiris again, and then work out such of miracle. Both Isis and Nefte have power over life and death, and as well power over magical healing. Thoth is the god of wisdom. And Anubis is the god of the dead.
And after preparing themselves with all the needed tools and space, the four of them combined their power, and start reconstructing the body of Osiris one piece at a time. His limbs and flesh were pieced together and then wrapped in several layers of linnen. His organs were set in separate jars since they could not fit inside the body. This process that the gods created while trying to resurrect Osiris became known as mummification, and Osiris is the first mummy.
Then after long hours of work, the body of Osiris is reconstruct the best that they could, then Nefte and Isis started their magical healing,+ and necromancy.
Yet time had run too short.
While assisting with the healing+ and necromancy, suddenly an impact so strong on the palace shattered walls to dust! Seth had invade the palace bringing with him horrendous black clouds, vicious lightening strikes, thunders, storms of rains, and hails, and as well, a furious sand storm that are all together engulfing the vast sky and land of Eden
Instantly, and faster than the speed of light, the news of Seth’s destructive storms traveled throughout the cosmos,+ and the Underworld. And lamentably, there it was nothing none of the gods could do at the moment except observe the unbelievable.
The damages caused by the storms are incomprehensible. It is sad, and it is heart breaking. Seth’s storms have destroyed an entire civilization along with men’s structures, theirs crops, and all theirs animals. Oceans have shifted, and lakes, and rivers are all flooded. It seems AmonRa’s entire creation is all gone! These catastrophes have left the gods from other dimensions jaws dropped, as they never seen anything like it.
However, in the middle of all these evil storms,+ and the catastrophes caused worldwide, the two lovers of Osiris must go on finishing the spell of resurrection and transmutation.
And then Seth took them by surprise!
So here is where you have ran off my beloved Nefte! And look, you have even decided to aid this fuss I see, said Seth and continuing. You as well invited Anubis, and Thoth, the wisest, I see. My oh my… How would I be able to stop all of you; and why am I even stopping you from completing? Could it be the rebirth of my vile brother Osiris?
Both Nefte and Isis are doing their best casting their spells under the horrific circumstance, and ignoring Seth. Yet a great fear started to overtake them both. Without any doubt Seth is the greatest warrior among the gods. There were none to rival his skills in battle, what- ever Seth aim to destroy, will surely be destroy. Both Thoth and Anubis knew this as well, and neither was foolish enough to challenge Seth.
Yet Thoth stepped in the middle of the furious elements, and said to Seth. Stop yours violent hands! The return of AmonRa from the Duat (Underworld) depends on the returning of Osiris from the dead! This rival series of events have taking a greater meaning than your rival grief with Osiris.
Although Seth respected AmonRa and Thoth, he will not be sway from retrieving Nefte from Osiris.
I don’t care! Said Seth as he approached closer and continuing. If my mind so happened to keep both Osiris and AmonRa in the Duat, then my mind must be right! Is it not?
Please listen to my word, said Thoth.
But Seth have had enough. Silent Thoth! Your cunning tongue will not persuade me here, or anywhere!
Do you wish to do battle with me? Thoth asked.
Of course not! But I will. Do you wish to do battle with me? Seth answered, and asked.
Thoth did not answer Seth. Instead he turned to Isis, Nefte, and Anubis that are performing spells as if nothing is happening, and then said, May Atum smile upon you. Then instantly Thoth vanished! But he did not leave the two sisters alone to defend against Seth, as from the spot where he was standing, an army of warriors soldiers magically appeared ready to do battle with the mighty Seth! Thoth knew that the soldiers would only entertain Seth while the sisters finish their work with Osiris.
Seth shrugged and then said, What a trice joke this Thoth can be, as he ready his own sword.
Then Anubis stepped forward.
Please Anubis, Said Seth. We both know that you do not have what it takes to Best me in combat. Another contest, and I will assure you no one can compare to my might.
I know that, Anubis answered. I will never challenge you mighty pharaoh.
Then get out of my way! Seth commands.
I will, said Anubis. Then disappearing faster than the blink of an eye, and leaving behind him an army of warriors soldiers that busted from under the floor he was standing! Anubis displayed the same magic exactly as Thoth did previously for Seth.
Then Anubis returned to the Underworld checking to see how AmonRa and Osiris are doing.
Meanwhile, Seth has two battalions in front of him!
Distractions and more distractions. What a waste of time! Said Seth, as the two battalions do not dare challenging him.
Soldiers, come and fight! Come and die! Seth shouted.
Then like dancing with the dead,+ and flipping his sword within the furious storms, Seth then pierced his sword within each soldier’s heart faster than the speed of light! Some as well, and in an instant got dissected, then their body parts are flown in the air like flying pancakes.
This entire scenario was serving as a barrier for a while for the two sisters finishing the dead Osiris.
Meanwhile, as it is already known throughout the universe, Seth’s storms have done catastrophic damages throughout the vast land of Eden. Not many people are the ones that survived. Seth has sunk a great deal of land, and now not even the gods have a faint idea what would Atum and Appep do next.
At the same time, the two sisters are making good progress bringing Osiris to life but it is taking all their energies. Nefte collapsed and she felt on her knees. Nefte told Isis to leave the place at once and take Osiris with her while she entertain Seth.
I can’t do that, said Isis.
Yes you can! He is almost done alive, and you can now finish the work by yourself. Please leave before it is too late! Nefte shouted back.
Grudgingly, Isis leaves, but she does not have enough energy for teleporting herself very far. So she hides in the same palace in another room that luckily survived Seth’s storms.
Not giving up, and over worked, Isis then continue diligently with Osiris her magic spells, and necromancy.
Then a few days later, suddenly Isis noticed Osiris is wiggling his fingers? And then now he is moving his legs? And if she is not mistaken he is trying to stand up..?
He is standing!
And he is now walking… Walking towards her. Isis is so overjoyed that she rushed to embrace the love of her life with tears.
The emotions are high, and their love is so, so profound that neither one could get away from each other.
And then later on, Isis takes off her robe and looking Osiris in his eyes, said. My love, for so long we have been together, and for so long our love has grown even stronger. My love, it is my wish this time that we conceive a child whether a son or a daughter. A child born from Isis and Osiris, the hearts of Love.
And with their hearts melting within divine fire, the two lovers make love in the heavenly realms.
And for a while they seems as living a normal life as a couple that are born for adoring each other for eternity.
And Osiris Impregnates Isis. The good new is heard all throughout the Duat and all throughout the cosmos. However, they all kept silence except for Nefte that when she hears the great new, she jumped to sing+ and dance in pure joy! And surprisingly as well, after a long time without sun light throughout the vast land, AmonRa appears shining his sun light ship over the land of Eden!
Meanwhile, seeing that the sun came back to Eden, Seth immediately figured out all that has been taking place behind his back, and now he is ready for war!
And like a storm, Seth invades Osiris and Isis’s space, threatening to kill them at once! Nefte is there with him.
So there you are, necromancy lovers! Said Seth.
Stop your actions villain, responded Osiris immediately to Seth, standing tall and handsome and not far away from him.
Do you want to do battle with me? asked Seth to Osiris.
Yes, one on one after I speak to my wife.
And turning to Isis, Osiris said, Leave Isis, leave, leave now! Raise our child with dignity and when he grows up let him make his own decision.
Am I having a boy? Isis asked surprise.
Not answering her question, and Insisting, Osiris repeats to her, Leave now Isis, leave! Leave now before it is too late. Before darkness falls upon all Eden indefinitely.
With tears and terrified she leaves the room, teleporting herself not very far to an isolated area. Leaving Osiris is much too painful… She can hardly thinks clear.
Then she awakes to the reality that the sun is once again shinning over the land of Eden, and her heart is over joyed for the fact that returning Osiris to life again was a miracle by the gods to safe mankind! If there is no sun, there can be no life on earth. Love is the only thing that moves– that moves all things, is it not, AmonRa? Thank you. Thank you for the light, she said looking up the shinning sky and wiping her tears with her hands. Then she remembers she is carrying the love of her life child’s within her womb and this is sure enough for her moving forward with her own life. Only though, she needs now a proper place to live so she can recharge herself again, that is if there is such thing after Seth’s storms almost destroy the existence. Then she promised the gods that she will raise her child in a way that all the gods would be proud of him.
Meanwhile, Nefte is hanging on Seth’s neck making sure she controls his temper so at least he does not dissect Osiris the second time around.
And Seth throw blow after blow his violent punches against the defenseless Osiris. Then Osiris falls flat on the floor where he gives away his last breath.
Then after he killed Osiris, Seth turned to Nefte and tells her, Now my queen, you will do as I say. Stop working with necromancy and leave the dead where they belong, in the Duat!
Then before they left, Seth summoned a sand storm bury the entire place where Isis and Osiris once lived along with Osiris dead body. He also commanded that their temple never ever be found by the mortals of Eden. And Nefte with her heart broken into million pieces went along with Seth being his queen and counsel as rulers of Eden. She has no other choice.
The entire land of Alkebulan is deepen in sadness from the damages that caused the floods inflicted by the mighty Seth, the god of storms. And now with the second death of the mighty loving pharaoh, Osiris, all seems even worse. So much is the confusion! Some say Osiris resurrected for sure from the dead, and others are doubtful.+ Isis, his queen is nowhere to be found. Some even say that they both perhaps left the region. But where? And many thinks that he will come back for sure again in his light ship and take all the people that are left behind with him. I mean why not? He is the leader here on earth for this humanity just as AmonRa have said. Oh Osiris, how the people miss you so dearly in the land of Eden, the people moan each day from every corner of the world, besides the silence and the fear of what the future of Eden would be.
And Osiris, that after being resurrected from the dead, and killed the second time by Seth, is welcome again in the Underworld as the king of the living, and now as well, king of the dead! Anubis had the honor of honoring Osiris with a diamond crown signifying dignity. No one in the history of the universe had ever resurrected from the dead, mighty king! You are the king leader for both the living, and for the dead, Anubis said.
And a new palace, and or temple, if you will, is giving to Osiris as the new king of the Underworld within a heavenly sphere surrounded by distinguish assistants.
But meanwhile, how can nature be restore? How could they keep balancing nature without Osiris? If nature is unbalance everyone would perish, the people and the priests from Eden keeps on murmuring.
According to Anubis, all souls would have to passed an obstacle course, and or having their hearts be weighted on a scale against a feather! This feather is equal to the goddess Maat that govern order+ and truth= transparency. If a soul’s heart weight is equal to that of the feather, then the soul passed the test, thus then it would be pick up by AmonRa Sun’s ship that then it would travel to meet Osiris, the redeemer. There then that soul’s physical correspondent body that the angel of death had preserve for this occasion would be giving back to that soul= a transparent physical body.+ further, Osiris would be in charge for giving that soul, or all souls that are brought to him, higher education about universal laws, nature, the spheres, and the gods. These souls would never have to be born again within upper Eden! And those souls that failed the test, they would be left on their own, roaming the Duat, where immediately, and or at any giving time, enormous snakes, and or enormous crocodiles would swallow them as if they never existed.
They say that Osiris hears our cries, moans, and noises from the Duat, and some say he roams the earth without anyone even noticing it.
And even these days after millenniums, people still adores and praise their king Osiris. It seems our love for Osiris is innate within our own cells, is it not? It must be because after millenniums, and millenniums humanity have not forgotten about their loving king that they knew well theirs fate is upon him as commanded by the Creator, whether he is upon upper earth or the Duat.
In the beginning Atum created two children that are Shoo and Tefnut. Both Shoo and Tefnut are the intrinsic principle for male+ and female genders. Shoo, the principle of air is male, and Tefnut, the principle of moist[water] represents female. Shoo and Tefnut were inseparable, however they created two children that are Gaef= male+ and Nuit= female.
Both Gaef and Nuit, the grand children of Atum were inseparable, meaning they were attached to each other. However, they needed be separated in order for the creation continues+ and for life to exists! Regardless, Gaef and Nuit had four children off their own, and unfortunately they were trapped in the womb of Nuit, which was another reason they need it be separated for their children be liberated. Separating Nuit+ and Gaef from each other was not an easy task, however, by order from Atum, Shoo, the principle of air managed separating them after all. In another way, Nuit gave birth! It was then that the maternal waters [= + and matters ] from Nuit scattered, and then forming the extended primordial earth,+ and oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams. And thus the great grandchildren of Atum are being born=being liberated from. Liberation in this case means being born by way through a navigating channel that leads to [a] direct point of ejection+ and landing. In this case their point of ejection+ and landing was on a dry land that they would name Eden and or Alkebulan. Those four children that were liberated from the womb of Nuit, are Isis, Nefte, Osiris, and Seth.
And now what?
Now this means that the great grandchildren, grandchildren, and children of Atum would finally have a perfect place for them to do their great work, inclusive of Shoo and Tefnut that after they were born, they were wondering within the NUN without a proper place to live. Why not keep ALL the family in one place and then start the cycle of life?
And this is exactly what took place. Even though there was much to be done, and since Gaef and Nuit are separated,+ and the children are liberated, Shoo and Tefnut took the responsibility for being in between Nuit,+ and Gaef so then spirit can flow, and thus forming the perfect atmosphere for life to exist! Meaning, Shoo and Tefnut would give the breath of life to all that exists. This means the air we breathe is the sacred essence of Atum!
And then we can figure out what happened next, right?
And hereafter is when the first dynasty named the Anubian Dynasty began, and where the first humans were born= created by, and or call upon to life by AmonRa, the king of the gods. Keep in mind that all that has ever been created, [a] seed of it is always saved in the store house of the NUN. So when AmonRa called upon the humans to existence, what he did was call upon the seed to blossom at once. Same applies to the animals, the gods, and all other creatures!
And thus now creation repeats itself by we, the co creators, is it not? Are we not the ones responsible for all the creation within this physical realm?
Earth is male as we stated, however on surface earth rests the womb of Nuit= the sky which from above she protects. And thus we can say that earth as well is female but when we say this we should be looking above where Nuit rests. Which by the way, is from the word Nuit that the word Nature comes from. So if we say that earth was separated from the sky, we say, yes it was but it was slightly separated= for giving space then for life to exists. Same principle applies when all creatures are born from the mother’s womb. They navigate to a point of landing that could be in a hospital, the waters, a farm, etc. Then they must be cut free, and or separated from the mother womb’s umbilical cord so they can experience life, but in reality that creature never cease being part of its own mother, is it not?
We would continue in part 2 telling you all who the son of Isis is! And what happened to Seth next for his evil actions. It will blow your mind! An event took place that impacted all the existence, and from there on is when the Old Testament is bury along with the Anubian Dynasty, giving way then for the beginning for a/the New Testament that would guide nature restoration, order, and balance. NAVIGATE PART 2 on link below video. NOTE: What we are making public here took place about twenty four- twenty six thousands years ago. Twenty six= an entire duration time for this round of creation for this earth’s physical realm. Copy right is prohibited without consent.
We would like bringing for your attention that the corporal zionists globalists that call themselves Jews but are NOT Jews from the suppose State of Israel in Palestine+ and around the world are snakes agents of Appeb. Same as the Muhammed-dan lineage of assassins, pedophiles, children murderers, slaves traders, slime balls females haters, control freaks demonic whores that call themselves Muslims but are NOT Muslims. They have blasphemed the female goddesses tremendously by naming them evil goddesses that love human babies+ other creatures as sacrifice! The facts are, these demons in human form are the ones killing children, drinking their blood, propagating sexual immorality, and wars, as we are very much aware of these. They are the ones that even have the notion they are superiors from others intellectually, racially, and even declaring the Creator chose them as special against the rest of our humanity.
They even made us believe the suppose State of Israel is where civilization started! And they even made us believe that Abraham, and his son, Isaac are truly their descendants closed relatives, and so does Moses, Ester, Joseph and Mary, Jesus, Abel, and Cain, Noah, and a suppose king David that is a blaspheme of higher proportion. Same as are the twelve tribes of Israel. For the laugh, the twelve tribes of Israel is reference for the twelve chakras within our body, and or the twelve planets that are within us, and or within Israel. Israel means the human body, and or the physical earth. It also means elohim= gods and goddesses. Israel also=Jerusalem that also= earth= Egypt= Eden/ Alkebulan, or what it is now call Africa, or the entire planet. Keep also in mind that our earth is an entirely holy sacred sentient BE’ing! Be aware that we are all walking on sacred ground no matter where we are! Further, the twelve tribes of Israel is for reference as well as the twelve cells salts that are essential for the human body functionality= the twelve apostles? Enough said.
Keep in mind that this have got nothing to do with the City of Jerusalem in Palestine. We must honor whatever the Palestinian people say about their sacred sites and or history within their country.
The facts are that basically most of the Bible stories are extension, quotes, and or excerpts from the ancient Anubian civilization from ancient Eden and their gods, specially the god of wisdom that name is Thoth. Many writings as well are from magnificent pharaohs, and wise magicians, or scholars of highest knowledge. And when we say magicians, or scholars, we are referring to people that were masters working with the elements= they were divine. And do not let us get started with all those religions from India! India as being one of the most corrupt country in the world, and where most poverty exists thanks to the Royals from England= Europe and theirs Mohammed-dan mobs associates from the Middle East, China, and the allege USA/US= the worldwide corporal zionists mobs.
And we are not going to mention the Annunaki either, nor the evil Talmud, and the Koran because we do not want to vomit right now do to the discrepancies from these texts. Discrepancies we can discern are deliberately, and knowingly added for misguiding the people with evil doings. When reading these texts, use discernment! The fact is that all these religious demonic agents had all the same intention, and that was enslaving humanity by manipulating sacred writings knowingly to deceive us for their own gain. Be not a fool believing anything else. The name of the God for all these religious criminals is Greed. No different as many religious whores from the now, as are the Billy Graham’s family+ and John Hague, etc., that are affiliates to the baby killers from Israel,+ and the spreading of wars in the Middle East. And so are basically all pastors and clergies that comes from all religions. The ones that have taking religions to another level instead of spreading brotherhood, and sisterhood. Instead of walking a Christian path that leads to the light, where integrity, dignity, and moral values are priority. Christianity is not a religion, it is walking a path for spiritual freedom for our own self- empowerment. “Spirituality does not come from religion. It comes from our soul. We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations and rituals created by humans, which was suppose to help people grow spiritually. Due to human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive and a tool for power struggle. Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simply a way of life, pure and original as was giving by our Creator of creation. Spirituality is a network linking us to our Creator, the universe, and each other.” ~and quote. We are a people that as ONE are on a mission as agents for the Creator here on planet Earth. That is all.
And going back to the gods and goddesses, truly, what these females goddess, and gods loves most is for us offering them flowers just as all the beautiful flowers that they reproduce at the festive celebration for the Spring Season that start with Easter, and or Ramadan for the Muslims people, and or the Passover for the Jewish people. Passover is related to the March Equinox= the sun passing OVER the earth’s Equator. They also encourage us loving dearly our offspring by taking care for ALL while within the mother’s wombs and beyond, that they with the assistance from the god of fertility bring to existence. These gods and goddesses love for us having an altar for them. Further, we can ask for their assistance for any family issue that we may have, and specially health issues, where Isis and Nefte would be glad to assists! Remember that they are the goddess that cure the ill= all kinds of diseases. We can also ask Thoth+ and the goddess Maat for understanding+ and wisdom. As well as with issues that have to do with the law! It is good when we ask for assistance offer a white candle and let it burn until it is all gone, and or for that matter always have a burning candle for our creator+ and the gods protecting us,+ and guiding us all way, always. And remember each day acknowledge AmonRa= our sun god that is there for us to thrive. Remember that the EYE(s) of AmonRa sees everything. Do give him thanks dearly, and ask for his protection. All these gods and goddesses are eager for helping us. And remember that we are their family! Further, it is vital that the man honor the woman and the woman honor the man, as no gender is superior to the other. For both gender male+ and female being disrespectful about each other maliciously, is indeed disrespecting our own nature.
We are going making clear that under any circumstances confuse the name of the goddess Isis with the terrorists organization Isis that original name is Aegis that are independent terrorists contractors from the Spencer family from England= Nicholas Soames= private military group= zionists working with corporal Israelis buddies on all terrorism abroad,+ and together with the mobs from NATO, UN, IMF, World Bank, USA/US, Atlantic Counsel, CFR, the BAR/ ABA, Franklin Templeton Investment, M1-M16= Britain queen Satan, CDC, WHO, FDA, DOJ, Howard Hughes Institute, Mckenzie Co.+ ISIS= Israel Secret Intelligence Service+ Mossad.+ and the Rockefellers’ double agents traitors= CIA+ FBI= the worldwide intellectuals prostitutes+ and war criminals mobs that need all be execute.= the boys and girls from the Big Boys and Big Girls Club.= the blackberries affiliates that wants the complete destruction of our country.= the mobs that need be cease and desist. That needs all be vaporized where ever they may be.
FURTHER, the Evangelical community within the United States unknowingly are being the biggest suckers for the suppose State of Israel, supporting indeed Israel’s terrorism agenda against the Palestinian people,+ within the region. Inclusive now the Israelis covertly brainwashing countries all over the world to supporting their technological agriculture exploitation as if nature need a superior technology to thrive, and as if people cannot handle their natural agricultural communities matters within their own country. These Israelis gold diggers, and along with BAYER from Germany are the ones destroying the seeds we need to reproduce the food we need to survive as are beans, rice, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and etc., with Genetically Engineered Organism that are lethal for our body. The Israelis as well have hundreds of Jewish mobs all throughout our country selling all kinds of drugs, and doing human trafficking in all forms, then these criminals go on disguising as distinguish elites! Read more here: http://freeport1953.com/orsini-rosenberg-alchemical-mafia/ Israel as well is a world leader in harmful technologies that are detrimental for our environment, the human body, and all creatures. In fact, they are the ones that calibrated 5G along with the British, and that viciously are brainwashing all countries to install this technology that plain and simple is direct genocide against the creation. Making profit is more important than destroying everything. The allege corporal USA/US has been giving to Israel all the power that it possess ever since the creation in 1948 of the suppose State of Israel, including all technologies, nuclear ammunition, and arms, as well as all intellectual properties that belongs to the American people that they share as well with the Chinese communist government, and the fuckwits from England= SERCO? One would ask, why are foreign entities holding immediate properties as are intellectual properties that belongs to the American in their possessions? Oh wait, we can blame the BAR,= where the highest criminals from high society,= traitors, hypocrites, gold diggers, warmongers, pedophiles, baby murderers, slime balls come from.
Not bad considering that internet navigation was invented by American ingenuity. Meaning is an invention that was stolen from the Leader family from the United States. This is call stealing intellectual property= fraud= treason. Not bad for Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, YouTube, and etc., that glorified themselves as if they are the ones that created it! And Google for example is the master engine that takes care for delivering the evil zionists convenient,+ and convincing propagandas worldwide full of dishonest journalism that brainwash the people. Germany, UK, and the United States as being the worse countries that welcome these nauseating actions. And do not let us get started with Bloomberg Media= same thing. Spreading lies in order to brainwash everyone worldwide. Bloomberg propaganda machine is own by top Jewish mob, Michael Bloomberg from New York State. A criminal that along his accomplices should not be walking freely on the streets for the crimes committed within our country, and our people, inclusive of children murdering, and selling opioid.
As gullible that the good Evangelicals Christians are, every months millions, and millions of dollars go towards the zionists Talmudic Bolsheviks murderers evil rabbis,+ and politicians enterprise from Israel that on their back laugh at the Evangelical gullibility! They even have the audacity commanding destroying the Temple Mount so they can build a temple for the suppose messiah that is coming to safe them! Pastor John Hagee for example, is the one that instigated moving the USA Embassy from where it was to the Israelis side, and as well masterminded the Theft of the Golan Hights from Syria be [supposedly] giving to the gold diggers from Israel so they can have more land, and more reason for killing the Syrian people,+ and all those around the region. We remind those involve in the Golan Hights piracy, that anything done with fraud never happened.
It is no wonder the mobs from Washington, as are the entire allege USA congress that disguise as public servants when in truth they are all top criminals that works for greed, racketeering, and are traitors, same as are all politicians alike+ and with their affiliates, adore pastor John Hagee. And so does Polish born American lover, and war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, that all together with the worldwide mobs killed as well almost four thousands innocents Americans on 9/11. An evil action indeed showing their true love for The United States and its people, is it not? Read more about the demonic globalists here: http://freeport1953.com/nazi-skull-and-schwarz-bones-disclosure/
It is time knowing the facts and stopping the insanity once since for all. It is time we each individually think for ourselves,+ and govern ourselves. It is time to grow up, and knowing the difference between good,+ and between evil. And knowing as well the facts who our enemies are. The enemies that never in the first place should have had a free pass for entering our country as are the Israelis, the British, the Chinese, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ukraine, etc.+ and the eugenics / genocidal Nazis/Russian agents so call scientists that have infested ALL our suppose prestigious colleges [developing chemical warfare] within theirs suppose prestigious laboratories,+ and within hospitals on how to kill the American people covertly+ and overtly deliberately for profit with viruses, and vaccinations that would cause harm / death worldwide to our humanity. All done along with the fucking zionists communist Chinese government that finances it, and along their affiliates within the allege corporal USA/US with theirs intelligence agencies.= snake agents.
With all these being the facts, let us all do our due diligence honoring our true nature; our true cultures without the infringements= subjugation, subordination, violation, and invasion. It is time stopping using [a god: nature] as a tool for acquiring wealth, recognition, honor, and prestige even if it takes killing the innocents, or for that matter destroying all the creation. These are pure evil. It is time for us uniting with our divine nature by honoring ourselves as who we are. Further, the time for discarding what no longer serve their useful purpose is now! It is time for holding accountable, liable, and responsible all the culprits that have caused knowingly direct harm for us all. And further, our main focus during this physical realm should be preparing ourselves for what awaits us after we died.
Honor. Respect. Guardianship. Courage. Love for ALL… the EYE AM= all the I AM= all the people of the world. ~LFabre
Navigate part 2 on link here> http://wetheonepeople.com/war-among-the-gods-birth-of-a-god-part-2/
/http://wetheonepeople.com/easter-the-sun-and-the-gods-of-fertility/= this posting
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