Banks Criminal Activities
The IMF, Bank of England, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Dallas & Chicago publications show money is created when loans are made… not before loans are made… Original Issue Discounts result from the depositing of YOUR Promissory Note..? Banks, as an Accommodation Party, withdraw that currency from the central banks and “LOAN” it to you..? See also and follow a case where such evidence has been asked of the bank.
Banking Industry Quarterly Reports
These are the documents that Scott Bartle drew on to create his “BANCORRUPTCY” video that show the real trail of where the banks generate their money from.
Bank of England Ist Quarterly Report 2008 p.103 Bottom Left Para
Exhibit B Walker Todd
I Bet You Thought
IMF chicago plan revisited wp12202
Money & Banking Dallas
Modern Money Mechanics
Scott Bartle’s short video explains how money in loans is generated:
Bank of England Ist Quarterly Report 2008 p.103 Bottom Left Para
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