The Abortion Agenda: Its Benefactors & What You Don’t Know
THE ABORTION AGENDA: Its Benefactors & What You Don’t Know
by Corey Lynn, published on Corey’s Digs, on January 31, 2019
Dr. Omar L. Hamada added his professional opinion, by stating “there’s not a single fetal or maternal condition that requires third trimester abortion. Not one. Delivery, yes. Abortion, no.” Doctor Hamada was a guest on Fox News on January 28, 2019, where he explained his stance and discussed the third trimester of a pregnancy. Notice, Hamada received 97,000 likes on his tweet.
Their Plan Began in 1993
Clinton Foundation: Clinton Health Access Initiative, Clinton Global Initiative, and Clinton Climate Initiative
Planned Parenthood
Partners In Health
Ivy League Schools
There are lawsuits pending in at least nine states, challenging who can perform abortions, so as to expand it to nurses and midwives. Planned Parenthood has a suit going in Idaho, Maine, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
In 1993, Planned Parenthood launched the Clinical Training and Research Initiative to expand the number of clinicians trained to provide abortions. They did this in partnership with family medicine and obstetrics/gynecology resident training programs in New York City. They train nurses, certified nurse-midwives, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and physicians through Planned Parenthood affiliates and contracted residency programs. For over two decades, they have been staffing up nurses and midwives, for this very day. Think about that.
This training does not stop at New York City. Their reach is global, and they have been working with international alliances for 45 years, providing clinical training to increase access to abortion services in other countries. Guess where else they have been focusing their efforts, more recently? The Caribbean region. The Clinton Climate Initiative and Branson’s Carbon War Room have been working on a Ten Island Challenge in the Caribbean since 2012, which has long since increased beyond just ten islands. There is extensive information on it in this 3-part article. Coincidentally, 10 of the islands the Clintons and Branson are setting up solar farms on, Planned Parenthood has setup the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation (CFPA) on those islands as well.
Clintons, Branson, and gang are operating on these islands below (boxed in red), as well as Comoros, Seychelles, Mauritius, Puerto Rico, and likely more at this juncture in time:
In fact, that same year in 2012, the Clinton Global Initiative announced that Planned Parenthood Federation of America was committing to combat the vulnerability of youth to unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortion, HIV/AIDS and other STDs, as well as cultural taboos around age and sexuality. They planned on training youth leaders in the U.S., Africa, and Latin America.
The same year they launched their training initiative in 1993, Planned Parenthood touted this on their website: “President Bill Clinton worked to make abortion “safe, legal and rare.” He ended the “Gag Rule,” instituted by the Bush Administration, which prevented women using federally funded health centers — primarily poor women — from getting the information they needed to make informed choices about unintended or health-threatening pregnancies. President Clinton reversed the “Gag Rule” in his first week in office.”
In 2017, President Trump signed an executive order bringing back the “Gag Rule.” This rule prevents federal funding to clinics that provide abortions or refer patients to places that do, as well as cuts foreign aid from going to groups that provide abortion services. This is a direct hit to Planned Parenthood and their affiliates.
Just how much does Planned Parenthood align with Hillary Clinton’s agendas? For the first time in its 100-year existence, Planned Parenthood endorsed a presidential primary – Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Sadly, all one has to do is look at Africa to see where the Clinton Foundation, Partners in Health, Planned Parenthood, the Ivy Leagues, and so many others, have sunk their claws into, in order to carry out their agendas. Oftentimes, these agendas are tested in other countries, while they are laying the groundwork in the U.S. They have been setting up shop and training nurses and midwives throughout areas of Africa for quite some time. Whereas having additional physicians in these areas is likely of high importance for birthing and other needs, this group’s intention seems to be more focused on providing additional access to abortions. In reviewing their global website, under each country they work with, they talk specifically about “abortion access.” The irony is, why call themselves “Planned Parenthood”, when these moms will never be parents?
Rwanda was discussed in the article ‘Will The Real Jim Yong Kim Please Stand,’ in regards to Partners in Health, Clinton Health Access Initiative, and Ivy Leagues all being part of a 7-year program, that is government-funded by taxpayer dollars. While Clinton Climate Initiative was kicking off their Ten Island Challenge in the Caribbean, in 2012, they were also kicking off their project in Rwanda that same year. Needless to say, 2012 was a big year, all around, for this group.
March 23, 2012
Former President Barack Obama announced Jim Yong Kim’s appointment to World Bank President. Forbes ran an article quoting Rwandan President Kagame and former President Bill Clinton, on their delight over Kim’s appointment. Note: Jim Yong Kim has resigned from the World Bank, three years before his term expires, and his last day is February 1, 2019.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America set out to train youth leaders in the U.S., Africa, and Latin America.
May, 2012
Rwanda expanded legal grounds for abortion to include cases of rape, incest, forced marriage and fetal impairment.
June, 2012
Ten Island Challenge launched by Clinton Climate Initiative, Carbon War Room, and multiple partners, along the Caribbean to install solar farms.
July 19, 2012
The Human Resources for Health Program in Rwanda was announced by former President Bill Clinton. A partnership was formed by numerous medical doctors, including Dr. Paul Farmer from Partners in Health (Jim Yong Kim co-founded), the Clinton Health Access Initiative, the Rwanda Ministry of Health, and over 20 U.S. colleges and Ivy League schools, along with local Rwandan schools, to train and increase the number of physicians, nurses, and midwives in Rwanda. They had a very specific goal to raise the quality and quantity of the nursing and midwifery workforce, which can be reviewed in this 4-page report. By 2019, they were expecting to increase this workforce by 6,266 nurses and midwives.
March 15, 2013
The Center for Reproductive Rights, based in New York, with regional offices in Nairobi, Kenya, Kathmandu, Nepal, and Bogota, Colombia, submitted information to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on the Republic of Rwanda, that was scheduled for review by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. They argued that they need to change many laws and open up services by nurses to expand availability to women on their reproductive rights, and stressed the need for more midwives. In this document, they pull references and statistics from the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the Clinton Foundation.
November 21, 2013
The New England Journal of Medicine released a special report detailing the largest-scale global health partnership ever initiated between American universities and a low-income country. This is the Human Resources for Health Program in Rwanda. They reiterate how the Ministry of Health asked the Clinton Health Access Initiative, who had also worked with Rwanda in 2002, to assist in the planning of its response to HIV and AIDS. The Clintons gathered up the universities for this 7-year partnership, in which the U.S. government channeled $150 million in taxpayer dollars to the Rwandan Ministry of Health, along with the support from The Global Fund, Bill Gates organization.
This is just to illustrate the involvement they all have with reproductive rights and abortions in other countries. They have been at this a very long time. Rwanda is just one such example, which also happen to take place while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. That likely came in handy, when the $150 million was reappropriated to serve this cause.
Partners in Health actually launched a program back in 2010 in Rwanda, setting up “enhanced supervision” at health centers. They also setup in Lesotho in 2009, where only 46 women delivered babies that year, but by the second year, 216 women safely delivered their babies. Since Lesotho went so well, they expanded their services to seven other sites around the country. In addition, they train and educate nurses and midwives in Haiti. In short, 84% of PIH’s clinical workforce, is comprised of nurses and midwives.
The Clinton Foundation’s partnerships in training nurses and midwives goes beyond Rwanda as well. In fact, they have been strengthening the midwifery workforce in more than 15 countries.
According to Nonprofit Quarterly, in an article about the Clinton Foundation doing vital work in Rwanda, they state, “the foundation is an employer in 30 countries where it is investing program dollars, with 2,200 people working for them.”
If one browses through the Clinton Health Access Initiative website, they will see the many nursing and midwifery programs they have been working on in multiple locations, from Zambia as far back as 2007, Malawi, Haiti, to scaling up midwifery in Mexico and Central America back in 2007, and even Pakistanin 2009. They paint their website with words of care and concern for the mothers, beefed up with numbers that are difficult to validate from afar, and portray themselves to be saviors – all while operating illegally.
It is also important to note that Chelsea Clinton is on the board of Partners in Health, and Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health, is on the board of Clinton Health Access Initiative.
Key statistics for Planned Parenthood:
Why are the Clintons, Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim, Ivy League schools, Planned Parenthood, and countless others, so interested in “women’s rights?” Are they after the money, the babies, or both? Why are they infiltrating numerous countries to teach them midwifery? They state they are training them to deliver babies safely, while at the same time expanding their availability to have abortions. It’s a bit of an oxymoron, isn’t it? Millions of taxpayer dollars are being pumped out to ALL of these organizations. What is their fascination with the islands along the Caribbean, which coincidentally run along the largest drug and child trafficking transits?
Don’t be fooled by their labels, “women’s rights”, “reproductive health”, “reduce deaths”, “live long productive lives,” “fill gaps in family planning.” How do any of these sayings fit into expanding abortion access, or fighting for full-term abortions that would allow a baby to suffer and die outside the womb, if the abortion procedure failed? They don’t.
Virginia Pushing for Abortions While Mother is in Labor
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who endorsed the Repeal Act, received $1.996 million in campaign contributions, over the course of five years, from Planned Parenthood.
On January 29, 2019, Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Springfield) testified in support of her bill, the Repeal Act (HB2491), to make late-term abortions legal in Virginia. Video of her testimony made its way into social media, and it brought a whole new level of shock and awe to the already disturbing news. So much so, that Tran removedher twitter account.
Under the added “mental health” condition, even if the baby is viable, a physician WITHOUT training in mental health, can certify an abortion if he/she deems the woman’s mental health is somehow at risk, though they do not specify any reasons in the bill itself. When the chairman asked specific questions about what conditions might constitute the health of the mother being in danger, no one could answer these questions, and stated that the physicians couldn’t be there today. In other words, they drafted this bill, are behind this bill, and don’t comprehend the specifics of this bill? No, they are fully aware, which is why Tran didn’t want to answer the questions.
LISTEN to the repeals in this 6-minute video. Their late-term abortion runs through the end of the third trimester, up to 40 weeks, and while a woman is dilated and in labor, she can request an abortion.
The current status of this bill, as of January 28, 2019:
House: Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (5-Y 3-N)
Atrocities, Normalizing, and Paving The Way for a Grim Future
Where is The “Parent” in Planned Parenthood?
It would make sense that Planned Parenthood tweeted out their victory of this bill passing, given that they were outed in 2015 for selling dead baby body parts. This video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, describing in graphic detail how abortionists are able to harvest organs from aborted babies, based on the parts that are needed, despite the fact that buying or selling human body parts is a federal felony (42 U.S. Code 274e). The commercial trafficking of body parts from an aborted baby is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and/or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S. Code 289g-2).
Even after this news came to light, Nucatola is still actively working for Planned Parenthood as the medical director in Hawaii, according to her LinkedIn profile. Unsurprisingly, in January 2016, Planned Parenthood was cleared by a grand jury, and the two who made the undercover video, from The Center for Medical Progress, were indicted instead, in an insane twist – the fix was in.
Must watch video (Warning: graphic content)
By the end of 2017, the Justice Department began investigating fetal tissue transfers by Planned Parenthood and others, and in 2018 heated debates were taking place on fetal tissue research, alternatives to fetal tissue, and whether the government should fundPlanned Parenthood. In a hearing in December of 2018, Jim Jordan brought the videos to light, stating, ““Our constituents’ tax money goes to Planned Parenthood, then Planned Parenthood provides abortion services. When they sell fetal tissue to these companies, like those in the videos we saw, and then the government takes the money and buys fetal tissue from those companies. All we’re asking is, let’s go with the alternatives. That’s as simple as it gets.”
One final note on Planned Parenthood: In 2003, Bill Moyers interviewed Bill Gates, on the PBS show “NOW with Bill Moyers”, in a special 60-minute episode titled, “Health, Wealth and Bill Gates.” Here is the complete transcript. In this interview Bill Gates stated:
When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that. And so, it’s fascinating. At the dinner table my parents are very good at sharing the things that they were doing. And almost treating us like adults, talking about that.
My mom was on the United Way group that decides how to allocate the money and looks at all the different charities and makes the very hard decisions about where that pool of funds is going to go. So, I always knew there was something about really educating people and giving them choices in terms of family size.
Clinics to Offer ‘Young Blood’ Transfusions
Five Ambrosia clinics have recently popped up, offering “young blood” transfusions for older people, for purposes of increasing their focus, sleep, and maintaining a more youthful appearance. The blood used in the initial clinical trials came from donors age 16 to 25, but it doesn’t state where the blood will be coming from in these operational clinics. Those paying for this fountain of youth, will be charged $8,000 for one liter of blood to fill their veins, and the procedure can be paid for via Paypal.
Their hope was to setup shop in New York City first, but one can currently get the procedure done in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tampa, FL, Omaha, NE, and Houston, TX. Despite the fact that the results of their trials have not been made public, and there is no scientific evidence to suggest these treatments will help anyone, since the Food and Drug Administration approve blood transfusions, Ambrosia is operating as an off-label treatment.
The question is, where are these blood banks? Who are the donors, and what age are they? Is any agency overseeing this?
All of this raises more questions around adrenochrome, which is the chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. There is a known, common theory, based on a lot of what might be considered as “circumstantial evidence,” that points to elites utilizing adrenochrome to maintain energy and youth, due to their adrenals, endocrine system, and organs being compromised. In order to achieve this, they must draw the blood from an infant or child, when it is in a state of fear, so that the adrenaline is coursing through at the time of the transfusion. Now this may sound far-fetched, yet based on what they have done with baby body parts, organ harvesting, and now youth blood clinics, it would almost seem, they are attempting to normalize something that parallels what they may have been consuming for quite some time.
The movie Clockwork Orange refers to adrenochrome as “drencrom”, in the new Netflix show ‘Santa Clarita Diet,’ the mom has to eat human beings in order to survive, and in ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’, he spoke of ingesting massive booze, fatback, and forty cc’s of adrenochrome.
You think this is all for entertainment? Think again. Narratives, secrets, and disclosures have been filtering out of Hollywood since its inception. Technology is a perfect example of this.
Over 400 Fetuses Found in Michigan Since October, 2018
In October, 2018, 63 fetuses and infants were found at a funeral home in Detroit, Michigan, just one week after finding 11 fetuses at a separate funeral home, also in Detroit. In December, 345 fetuses and cremated fetal remains, plus one adult body, were found inside several crypts, where they were stored in leaky plastic containers at a cemetery in Detroit. In most of these cases, reports suggest that they didn’t want to incur the expense of the burials. So, what does this mean for states trying to allow for laxed laws on abortions, which will likely increase the number of abortions? The fact that they can be done outside of the typical medical facilities, may create additional problems, as well as far less oversight.
Using Orphans, Babies, and Mentally Handicap for Experiments
The Godfather of Vaccines and Bill Gates hero, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, testified at a lengthy hearing, on January 11, 2018. In his testimony, he answered YES to the following questions:
- Have you ever used orphans to study an experimental vaccine? A: Yes
- Have you ever used the mentally handicap to study an experimental vaccine? A: Yes
- Have you ever expressed that it’s better to perform experiments on those less likely to contribute to society? A: Yes
- Have you ever used babies of mothers in prison to study an experimental vaccine? A: Yes
- Have you ever used individuals under colonial rule to study an experimental vaccine? A: Yes. Q: Did you do so in the Belgian Congo? A: Yes. Q: Did that experiment involve almost a million people? A: Well, um, yeah. (video clip cuts here, but the links to the full hearing are under clip.)
3-Min clip from hearing, with full video series of hearing linked below it.
Has a New Black Market Just Been Established for Selling Babies & Trafficking?
Aside from fetal tissue or organ harvesting, there are other potential scenarios. What if they were to put the mother under during her abortion, remove the baby alive, and traffic it? This is entirely plausible, based on the level of human trafficking and organ harvestingthat has been taking place for decades. Or, what if a midwife, working for the elite, approaches women that are considering an abortion, but cannot find a doctor to authorize it, steps in and offers the mother cash for an illegal adoption? This just created a whole new black market for selling babies, and God only knows who’s hands these babies may fall into.
We won’t get into sacrificing babies, satanic rituals, spirit cooking, or witchcraft in this article, though it’s quite evident all exist. One such instance was witnessed just last year, when witches gathered to put a mass-hexing on then Judge Kavanaugh, when he was nominated to Supreme Court Justice. They even went so far as to sell tickets for $10, with 25% of proceeds going to none other than Planned Parenthood. And, they took it to social media, with 9,000 people listed as “interested” on facebook, and 800 marked themselves as “going.”
Authorization May Come at A Price for Babies
These new abortion laws that have passed in New York, and are on the fast-track to pass in other states, are stating that a practitioner has to authorize the woman’s abortion. Some are under the illusion that doctors are Gods, but they would be mistaken, as they are not immune to diabolical desires inherent in some human beings. Below is a quick search, random sampling of medical doctors and therapists in New York who have been charged for defrauding disabled kids, rape, pornography, sexual abuse of patients, running illegal prescription drug mills, and defrauding Medicare and Medicaid. These are some of the fine folks entrusted with selling out a baby’s life, all the way up until it’s about to take its first breath outside the womb. To be fair, there are many respectable therapists and doctors that take their responsibility very seriously, but unfortunately, there are always ones such as those below, who can be sought out.
Brooklyn: Eight Therapists, Two of Whom Were School Teachers, Defrauded $600,000 from Disabled Kids
Full Article
Bronx Child Psychologist Accused of Trying to Meet 14-Year-Old Girl for Sex
Full Article
Manhattan Doctor Is Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Sexually Abusing Patients
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Former Senior Psychologist with the NYPD Has Been Arrested and Charged with Trying to Kill Her Husband
Full Article
East Village NY Dr. Convicted of Illegal Abortions: Ran Abortion Mill, Assaulted Women, Severed The Arm of Baby in Third Trimester, and Over 30 Women Came Forward
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New York City Gynecologist Charged with Sexually Abusing Patients
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An Esteemed Doctor, Child Sexual Abuse Claims and a Hospital That Knew for Years – Dr. Reginald Archibald worked at his clinic at The Rockefeller University Hospital, where he treated and studied children who were small for their age.
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New York Therapist Charged in Sex Abuse of 12-Year-Old Male Patient After Fondling 16-Year-Old Female Patient
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Newark Family Doctor Charged with Buying Child Pornography and Taking Explicit Photos of Young Patients at His Office – he paid the parents, claiming he was using the photos for research
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Brooklyn Doctor Sentenced for Participating in $30 Million Scheme to Defraud Medicare and Medicaid – One of the Six Clinics was a Psychiatric Clinic
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Albany Doctor Ran Horrifying Human Experiments for NXIVM Cult – forced patients to watch disturbing rape and dismemberment videos for a “fright study” he was conducting. The state also slapped him for not reporting to health officials that many of the attendees, including children, at a 2016 NXIVM event became ill with an infectious illness that produced flu-like symptoms, vomiting and diarrhea.
Full Article
New York Neurologist Previously Convicted of Sexually Assaulting Patients Charged with Rape
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Five New York Doctors Charged with Running Illegal Prescription Drug Mills That Flooded the State with More Than 8.5 Million Oxycodone Pills, Resulting in Deaths of Six People
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New York Allowed a Sexual Predator to Practice Medicine for Decades
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Three Doctors, A Chiropractor, Three Therapists and Medical Company Owners Arrested in Brooklyn for Fraudulent Billing to Medicare and Medicaid for More Than $125 Million
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Philadelphia Case No One Can Forget: Dr. Kermit Gosnell Serial Killer Accused of Delivering Seven Babies Alive and Using Scissors to Kill Them
Full Article
This is a small sampling of physicians who sold their souls, abused children, and clearly would have little concern for the life of a baby – with many of them finding the likes of money to be far more desirable. A new baby black market just opened up for doctors of this nature.
Recap and Moving Forward
In 1993, the Clinton Foundation, Planned Parenthood, Partners in Health, and many others, set out to train nurses and midwives throughout the world, to beef up access to abortions. They have been receiving taxpayer funding for decades. They have pushed the laws to the extreme, to where babies can be aborted moments before taking their first breath out of the womb. Fetal tissue and body parts have been sold, fetuses have been stored away in funeral homes and cemeteries, while organ harvesting and human trafficking remain ever so prevalent. In 2012, they turned their focus to the Caribbean, and in 2019, they have turned their focus to the United States of America. They have been involved in legislation and lawsuits every step of the way, to make this happen.
This article is not intended to instill fear in people. Quite the opposite. It is intended to shake people, so as to wake them up, and wake them up quickly. There are millions of people that have been trying to wake others up to the reality of the bigger picture for years, and they just refuse to listen, and refuse to see what is happening with their own eyes – until it’s too late, and something so barbaric, such as what we are witnessing now, quickly becomes reality.
These power players are in this game for the long haul. They are planners, deceivers, manipulators, and if someone isn’t paying close attention, they may be fooled. Nothing is more important than elections, staying vigilant, doing your own research, and hearing your own voice of reason. In these emotional times, rage and fear are quick to rule and judge, without clarity. We are living in a time where great clarity is needed, anger should be fueled with good intentions, and compassion must remain ever-present – while we all fight like hell to save one another from this evil that perpetrates our country. Godspeed.
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