A Success Story


kiriSUCCESS STORY: Kiri Lee Campbell $15 Million Court Case settled in ‘Private’


Personal Representative of Birth Certificate [Kiri Lee][deceased estate], has formally notified the Sovereign [de jure] Original Land Court, Paremata [Parliament] of Baludarri Rangihou that the case against her in the Public Judicial System, has finally been laid to rest in the Private.  This final day proves that her administrative processes and Sovereign [de jure] status was KEY to settling the case in the Private. Job Well Done!

“This process has an extreme twist that no-one saw coming”. Throughout this ordeal, Kiri Lee Campbell matured to Sovereign [de jure] status by walking through the Introduction to Exodus process.  This process is the last KEY for any and all Original Peoples who wish to take that final step; come out of their infant state; resurrect themselves as Sovereign [de jure]; and Exodus out of the slavery system, into God’s Sovereign [de jure] Kingdom.

The journey really began for Kiri when she discovered that, in order for her to unravel and address her personal case in the public, she had to go back in time to the very moment that she entered the world and was born.

Today, Kiri Lee the ‘infant’ is a deceased estate [name obsolete]. She is now known as an ‘Original Tribal Sovereign [de jure] Woman’ of ‘blood and heritage’ of Aotearoa’ ‘Matariki Edgecombe of Tainui, Nga Ruahine, which is the true representation of Sovereign [de jure] status, standing in her absolute truth.  Although this case started with the deposit of a $15 million dollar Promissory Note [cheque] to the Bank, the true essence of this case was; going down the rabbit hole, being challenged at every turn; understanding the forks in the road; overcoming the road blocks; maturing into Sovereign [de jure] status; in a state of absolute purity; to then learn to respect and honour the Public Judicial System and correctly deliver the instructions for the matter to be dealt with in the Public and the Private, in order to protect the Sovereign [de jure] and ensure the overall processes and systems were left in intact.

This case was rather difficult as correcting needed to be achieved in both the Public and the Private; liability had to be addressed; the deceased estate [Kiri lee] needed to be laid to rest; and the Sovereign [de jure] needed to stand un-interrupted, to walk ‘free on the land’ with the utmost of respect and honour for both the Public and Private systems. 

Matariki Sovereign [de jure] undertook the administrative process with due diligence, respect, honour, guidance and support from the Sovereign [de jure] Original Land Court [Australia & New Zealand] and accomplished the ‘end’ with the understanding that the Judicial System remain intact for the infants and also stand as the protector for the Sovereign [de jure]. The process commenced with various key documents that respectfully dealt with the matter in both the Public and the Private.

This experience was one of great sacrifice, endurance, physical strength, spiritual belief and sheer determination, for a young woman and mother of six beautiful children.  Through her Born Identity, she learned about the death of the sovereign, the resurrection of herself the Sovereign [de jure] and has since been appointed High Court Judge of the Sovereign [de jure] Original Land Court [Aust & NZ] by the Chief Justice Sovereign [de jure].

Quote: “We are bound to meet untruths that are deeply hidden within our psyche and some of these we falsely believe to be our own truth. One of the biggest challenges is to find out which of our “beliefs” is really our truth or someone else’s. It is what we believe to be true about ourselves which causes us to make a
mountain out of a small stepping stone.”
“True courage is in facing danger when you are afraid…” Matariki Sovereign [de jure]


For more information: Introduction to Exodus http://wp.me/P3V3Wk-1


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