We the people are the government
We the people are the government; we the people are the power. Thank you Kevin Annets for the courage!
We are excited to all the progress coming along worldwide in dismantling the tyranny of the oldest criminal body in the world: The Roman Mafia Empire, along with the ones from London City in Britain, and their Military might in the City of Washington DC (District of Columbia) in the United States of America (USA Corporation), that ten square miles piece of land/private/corporation/State, that named themselves the “people government” of the Republic for the united States of America (uSA).
We the people say to you, “You are done, and you are gone for ever”. Thank you for the lesson learned, and may The Creator have Mercy on you.
We do not know about you people but in the state where we are, we are kicking ass within many counties by bringing awareness to judges, sheriffs, policemen, and the gold diggers whores of real state agents, mortgage brokers, lawyers, bankers, and the whore of all, the City Circuit Court House Clerk of Office to say the least. We’ve gotten so good at this that we can take properties from them after leaving families on the streets with the stroke of pen/signature! Last month we had an attorney offering/bribing us to take thousands of dollars after we took the title of a property back, when he put a fast title on it, after we had giving him all lawful documents not to do so. We were laughing our heart out! We told him, “ You have the audacity buster”, and hung up.
But wait until we tell you that we find ourselves educating police officers quite often. These guys are really trying to see the light, some of them told us that they are really considering quitting their job but they do not know how to tell their family.
The younger ones said that they cannot do what they are told to do, and the older ones are heartless, full of fear guys that most of them are suffering from diseases as Diabetes, heart issues, liver issues, etc, etc. This is really a pathetic situation, isn’t?
Common Law is the Law, and knowledge gives you freedom, power, dignity, and sovereignty. Truth= Knowledge=light=love. May we all live with peace.
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VANCOUVER, BC – In a wide-ranging Exopolitics TV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Kevin Annett, Field Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, revealed Vatican infighting and rumours of Pope Francis “bad health” as divserions from the evidence of Satanic child sacrifice in the Papal 9th Circle rituals. Evidence of these rituals has been recorded from eye witnesses at the Brussels trial of Pope Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Superior General of the Jesuits and others for child trafficking and genocide. The trial, now in its 3rd session, is expected to continue for as long as a year.
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