Update on BWWEE: HATJ New I Declaration of Deposit Example Docs and Discussion
This page is being continually updated as people come up with ideas and discussions, so you will need to scroll through the post to see the different additions. Like doc examples, what one might say to secret service or bankers etc…
Update :
(*) Giving you a little exciting hint of great things to come
I just got the ok to let the cat peek its head out of the bag so to speak…
For a bit of time behind the scenes there has been work going on between a beautiful being EE, a bank CEO, Heather, Caleb… to work out the details of making all of this BWWEE happen for those who want to play in accessing a representation of their value.
I will not give all the details of what I know because the timing is not yet right for them to be shared. I can share this with you:
It is very important to the energetics of all that is happening right now that people play and move forward with the new docs in the way that resonates with them.
It is very important for people to be active and Play now rather than waiting for someone else to do something for you. What your heart nudges you to do, then that is what is good for all, for you to do now.
This bank behind the scenes is working to have things fall into place and work with the one people to open up their accounts and if I was to say a window of about 2 weeks for that to all unfold would be fair to estimate.
There will need to be more than one bank so going in NOW to other banks and asking them to play and if they don’t want to, contacting the secret service to carry out your will and the word on what happens if they don’t want to play is very important to the energetics at this moment.
The time of waiting is over, the time of Tuning into You for your guideance and what and how you want to play is Now. Energetics are the leaders in this dance partnership.
What I would like to say is that its almost time for me to have puppy kisses… and for each of you to have that special thing for you that means the same thing to your heart!
So if you want to play with the banks PLAY ! starting Monday… stand in your power…. Know You are the Value and pick a bank to play with.
Know that we are working behind the scenes for things to be smooth and unfold with 1 bank who already Knows it wants to Play and repurpose… other bank partners will be needed and You could be the one that invites them to come play!
As soon as I have more to share I will. Please don’t wait on me or anyone else, You have the power to play. You’ve only to step onto the field.
(sun) (heart) (sun) …. One last thought polish up your Happy Dance Moves and Shoes ! (heart) (music) (heart) (party) (heart)
People wanted to get together and talk about, feel into, these new documents from a heart centered space, so we are doing a bridgeline call today. This post also will provide that space in the comment section. There are word versions of the documents with the parts to customize for you highlighted. For the original post of the material released Nov 1st from Heather
visit here http://i-uv.com/heather-ann-tucci-jarraf-releases-banking-documents-declaration-of-deposit-and-her-receipt/
There is a Bridgeline call today Nov 2 (USA) at 4 pm Eastern 1 pm Pacific
Bridge line phone # 530-881-1300 Participant code- 392300
Recording from this call with Eternal Essence coming together to play and see what we resonate with
Vm | P |
Word Version Example Documents:
If you want to play with the Banks
Example Declaraton Original Depository Deposit click here
Example Declaration of Receipt click here
Example Declaration of I click here
You will also need to create a Declaration of Value (see Heather’s directions below) when I make my own version I am happy to share an example of it.
Examples of Declaration of Value by different eternal essence:
BZ’s version click here
Marie K’s version click here
Example Declaration of Conversion click here
Heather’s instructions:
I built them with the concept of lego pieces…each piece lawful…and with the intent to honor the perception of each inbodyment every NOW moment…any inbodyment can choose the pieces that resonate with them….
if an inbodyment chooses to “play” with the banks (all lawfully and legally foreclosed)….then they can take the following in to any bank teller and the bank HAS to accept them as a foreign deposit….and if they refuse, they can all be arrested and shut down by the secret service…one just has to make the phone call, make the statement, and then when secret service asks what you want them to do…you make the order and they will do it:
and (the one I personally did not do because I choose to do a full conversion back to energy current of I)…..is a DECLARATION OF VALUE…. it must be done by the conscious hand and heart of each inbodyment…(looks just like a check, or a bill of exchange, or any other instrument, with YOUR self-designated identification of the reference numbers of the a.)
DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL DEPOSITORY AND DEPOSIT, b.) DECLARATION OF RECEIPT, and c.) the express and stated sum for (foreign) deposit in that bank
I chose to duly complete the full conversion back to the energy current of I…I DO NOT CHOOSE TO PLAY WITH THE OLD SYSTEMS, I DO NOW MAKE VISIBLE WHAT IS…..NOW SYSTEMS THAT RESONATE WITH I AND REFLECT I…….the eternal tech/BE’ing of I….
therefore, I used1-3 above, plus:4. DECLARATION OF CONVERSION (attached)
I also did a DECLARATION OF ACCOUNT (attached) which I can utilize that template for any external applications that may exist thanks to another inbodyment of I’s DO’ing….in this case, eternal essence in body, also perceived as Caleb Skinner.
Recruitment DivisionU.S. Secret Service |
Public AffairsU.S. Secret Service |
Procurement (for vendors)U.S. Secret Service |
Field OfficesFind the nearest field office in your state. |
Applicant Information and Assistance HotlineU.S. Secret Service |
For those asking what one might say to the secret service and or to the bank personel before calling the secret service here is a sugestion Arthur K put forward in the BWWEE room.My thinking going in would BE…. I AM not wishing to cause any man or woman in the employ of this corporate banking institution any harm nor injury of any sort, however, that said, as a man or woman BEing eternal essence imbodied, neith will I allow any man or woman acting as agent , officer or any other deignated title within this organization, to deny me access to my birthright. The documentation provided will be sufficient to expediate the instructions within. My intention IS to access $ insert figure …. in negotiable instruments to facilitate this endevor. Any agent , officer or director, also BEing a man or a woman whether concious , or unconcious of their eternal essence that abrogates,denies or in any other way interferes with my DOing so, shall face the full penalty of fraud, and shall BE held under arrest in my presence until the secrect service agents, sworn by oath to protect the creditors of the nation are summoned to facillitate the proper arrestand detainment of each individual that defrauds this imbodiment of eternal essence. The institution shall be ORDERED by ME, to have all its assets frozen, all its records siezed and all its employees investigated for crimes against humanity , operating a debt slavery system and any number of other charges that the arresting agents may discover during the execution of their duties…..such as breach of a fiducary duty, breach of a duty of a care, breach of faithful execution of the duties of your office and failure to competently exercise due diligence and dissent within the corporation, GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY….. or words to that effect [7:04:27 PM] Arthur K: ONE way to approach…. there are many… BE CREATIVE |
The Transcript file referenced in the BWWEE Skype Room
The “Recipe” so to speak Heather gave of going into the banks to access a portion of our Value. This is a trunkated version of the July 1st conversation pre-recorded for the July1 TOP radio show. For shorter print out it is just the sections where Heather is speaking. click here
On the call I referenced a transcript and a reference Heather had made based on some one’s question. I have not had a chance to skim through yet to find the correct one but here is the correct time frame. ( if some one else wants to skim and let me know the date I will take the others down)
Transcript of The Collective Imagination Show March 26, 2013 Click here
Transcript of OPPT-IN Show on Freedom Reigns March 25, 2013 Click here
Transcript of The Collective Imagination Show March 19. 2013 Click here
Transcript of OPPT-IN Show on Freedom Reigns March 18, 2013 Click here
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