The American People Demand the Immediate Release for Heather Ann Jarraf Tucci, and Randy Keith Beane
Alleged Corporal Judge Deborah A. Robinson that it is keeping our Heather Tucci in confinement due the fact that she is in denial that their corporal world has been dismantled, and she: they have not, and never had jurisdiction over the American people. They are in dishonor. For you are command for the Release for Heather Tucci, and Randy Beane, with prejudice.
For Case NO. 3:17-CR- 82= For immediate termination= null and void ab initio ad infinitum nunc pro tunc without prejudice and with prejudice by command from the American people and all people from Planet Earth _____________________________
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ET AL= Nouns+ fictions that have no territory+ – citizens+ – contract, + = Fraud+ = Treason
Plaintiff = Noun+ = have no contract, = false pretense, = fraud, – = Treason, the highest of crimes
Versus Not
RANDALL KEITH BEANE, ET AL= Nouns+ fictions that have no territory+ – citizens+ – contract, + = Fraud, = Treason
HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF, ET AL= Nouns+ fictions that have no territory+ – citizens+ – contract, + = Fraud, = Treason
Defendants= with duress: with kidnapping: with false arrests:
~ – = FOR all Judges, = Judges known and unknown, – = Varlan: Shirley, et al, at Knox County Court in Knoxville, Tennessee, and or sitting judge(s), et al. ~ – = For all attorneys known and unknown at Knox County… ~ – = For Mike Hammond, Knox County Clerk of Court in Knoxville Tennessee. ~ – = For all corporal agents known and unknown at county jail…~ – = For COUNTY OF KNOX+ CITY OF KNOXVILLE+ STATE OF TENNESSEE+ KNOX CLERKS OF COURT MIKE HAMMOND+ COURT(S) OF TENNESSEE+ COURT OF KNOX+ JAIL: PRISON OF KNOX COUNTY+ PUBLIC NOTARY OF KNOX COUNTY
~ – = FOR all Magistrate(s) Judge Deborah A. Robinson, et al: Judge Beryl A. Howell, and or sitting judge(s), et al, at District Court at Alexandria, Virginia: District of Columbia. ~ – = FOR Angela D. Caesar, Clerk of Court in Alexandria: District of Columbia ~ – = For all attorneys known and unknown within District of Columbia. ~ – = For all corporal agents known and unknown at Jail: prison at District of Columbia. ~ – = For STATE OF VIRGINIA+ CITY OF ALEXANDRIA+ DISTRICT COURT OF ALEXANDRIA+ COURT OF ALEXANDRIA+ COURT OF VIRGINIA+ ANGELA D. CAESAR, CLERK OF COURTS IN DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA+ ~ – = For All ATTORNEYS, ET AL, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN AT DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ~ – = For all Corporal agents at COUNTY JAIL: PRISON, known and unknown…
~ – = FOR WE THE PEOPLE together we stand FOR the Immediate RELEASE from your illegal, and unlawful confinements OF: FOR HEATHER ANN TUCCI JARRAF: Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf, and RANDY KEITH BEANE: Randy Keith Beane, without prejudice, and with prejudice. ~ – = For all illegal and unlawful contracts for all parties are for immediate null and void ab initio ad infinitum nunc pro tunc as commanded from the American people, and all people from planet earth.
~ – = FOR the BE’ing and DO’ing for us standing strong against the FORMER Beast for: of corruption that have the notion it is beyond the will of the people. WE are referring to: for the former corporal private courts (or courtrooms in foreign vessels that are in our land without consent and authority, if you will), and that still goes on disguising=pretending being “public court for the people.”
~ – = FOR OUR message for all judges, along with their former corporal agents=CIA, FBI, police, marshals, = order followers that are paid by the corporation of the Port Authority+ the United States Postal Service. ~ – = For CEO= BAR, = the enemy for the American people.
~ – = FOR all Corporal Courts, = UNITED STATES DISTRICS COURTS have been DULY foreclosed upon since 2013. As their agents: agency can no longer monetize from the Social security bonds= money=accounts for the American people that they secretly, and under fraud have been denying the American people in order for their agents: agency using the funds that so lawfully belongs for us the people, inclusive of: for jailing: Prison for profit.
~ – = FOR as any other bank, do the fact that a bank is what the corporal vessels/courtroom system always Was, and pretend being NOW, are duly foreclosed upon, thus they have no legal or lawful authority for: detaining any national: natural American, -= the American people for bringing unto their courtroom by means of false pretense as have their former agents recently done with our Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf, and Randy Keith Beane that under any circumstance are NOT the PERSONS named on their filings, = HEATHER ANN TUCCI- JARRAF: RANDY KEITH BEANE, thus they are holding under FALSE arrest the wrong BEINGS= souls inbody, – = ORIGINALS= ORGANIC Beings.
~ – = FOR United States of America, et al, do not have the proper documentation for invading Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf’s Vessel= territory= her BE’ing and Do’ing, without prejudice.
~ – = FOR United States of America, et al, do not have the proper documentation for invading Randy Keith Beane’s Vessel= territory= his BE’ing and DO’ing without prejudice.
~ – = FOR United States of America, et al, have trespassed= invade= violate their private vessels= territory WITHOUT having the declared documentation on national and international registry for public records, – = with theirs/his/her lawful name, date, and wet- ink pen signature that said United States of America, et al, is granted: HAVE the legal and lawful direct consent and authority for taking the action for arresting the living organic Beings Heather Ann Jarraf Tucci, and Randy Keith Beane.
~ – = FOR the American people duly denied that such documentation exists, thus we the American people demand the release for our Heather Ann Jarraf Tucci, and Randy Keith Beane immediately without prejudice, and with prejudice as it is the command from the American people, and all people from Planet Earth.
~ – = FOR all fictional entities, et al, – = HEATHER ANN TUCCI JARRAF: RANDY KEITH BEANE have been retired and returned to: for their legal and lawful owner(s): all the people, – = Heather Ann Jarraf Tucci: Randy Keith Beane, with full liability, accountability, and responsibility. ~ – = For these apply for all people from planet earth.
~ – = For all people from planet earth went back to Original= ZERO- POINT, where all is possible, where abundance is limitless…
~ – = FOR anyone using fictional NAMES to: for committing slavery system: racketeering against the American people would be liable, accountable, and responsible for this action… Be detain. For all counties registry are being check for these criminals activities, and perpetrators.
~ – = FOR our beloved Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf is not your guinea pig, or defendant under duress.
~ – =FOR Our beloved Randy Keith Beane is not your guinea pig, or defendant under duress.
~ – = FOR United States of America, et al, is Undefined+ has no territory+ has no citizens+ has no money+ is not a bank+ has no contract, – = fraud committing against Randy Keith Beane, and Heather Ann Jarraf Tucci for the sole purposeof stopping them, and the American people for assessing their Value, = Bonds, = limitless funds in their private accounts that was: has been there from the very time that they were born. They are the original account holder of these accounts= their accounts, and so are all livings from planet earth, – = for all people.
~ – = FOR all accounts related with the people’s social security are unfettered.
~ – = FOR a currency exchange has taking place…ALL DONE.
~ – = FOR all people worldwide are: have the lawful right for accessing their value for heir daily needs, and for helping others: for working in communities…, for repairing the planet.
~ – = FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is dissolved, – = for the Federal Reserve bank is dissolved, – = for all corporations are dissolved, – = for the slavery system is dissolved, – = for all banks are ONLY for being serving stations for the people: for the people owns everything, with full liability, and accountability.
~ – = FOR A fine for One Hundred and twenty million dollars apply for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ET AL= The Port Authority= CEO +Insurance Commissioner= CEO +United States Postal Service= CEO that together pay the salaries,= originate the pay check for all their former corporal agents, = judges+ police+ Marshals+ FBI+ CIA, all in violation for public peace, violation for public trust, subjugation, subordination, = crimes of slavery= fraud, = TREASON, the highest of crimes against HEATHER ANN JARRAF TUCCI: Heather Ann Jarraf Tucci, and RANDAL KEITH BEANE: Randal Keith Beane, and the American people.
~ – = FOR a fine of Fifty million dollars apply for each ANGELA D CAESAR= Angela D. Caesar, County Clerk in District of Columbia, et al, due immediately for crimes of fraud against HEATHER ANN JARRAF TUCCI: Heather Ann Jarraf Tucci, and RANDY KEITH BEANE: Randy Keith Beane, without prejudice, and with prejudice.
~ – = FOR Fifty million dollars fine apply for MIKE HAMMOND= Mike Hammond, County Clerk in Knox County Tennessee, et al, due immediately for crimes of fraud against HEATHER ANN JARRAF TUCCI: Heather Ann Jarraf Tucci, and RANDY KEITH BEANE: Randy Keith Beane, without prejudice, and with prejudice.
~ – = FOR each CEO, and agents involve with these crimes against HEATHER ANN JARRAF TUCCI: Heather Ann Jarraf Tucci, and RANDY KEITH BEANE: Randy Keith Beane are being held accountable, liable, and responsible for such crimes, inclusive being detain, and or taking down.
~ – = FOR finding out who has been using: was using our TDA, keyin your social security number with dashes= 000-00-00-00= find out who the Former UNITED STATES OF AMERICA= Port Authority= United States Postal Service have been giving our accounts= our money for them splurging, while the American people starve…, not having our daily basic needs met. FOR this is a fact, sadly, but not for long. You will find out that all banks known and unknown are there…, no exceptions. Link: FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a covert terrorists organization run by the former BAR that goes on disguising as government for the people.
~ – = FOR the Slavery system is OVER: DONE WITH
~ – = FOR everyone knowing navigate links:
~ – = FOR documentation for all= we are all original= we are in: at Original universe NOW, where all is possible for the greatest good for all:
~ – = FOR this presentment is being send for all with concern above, and all people from planet earth, publish here:
~ – = FOR the people are the highest authority in the land.
~ – = FOR we the people are all Originals!
~ – = FOR the people from planet earth have spoken!
Ignore the TROLLS and watch one of many videos that are with rage from the people worldwide for the Kidnapping of our beloved Heather Tucci, and Randy Beane by alleged “order followers” call corporal agents.
~ – = FOR the people from planet earth have spoken!
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