I received this letter yesterday from Heather. My apologies for the delay in getting this out, I have no idea when it arrived in my mailbox. From Thursday night through Sunday night I was dealing with a fever from a very odd flu-like illness that left me feeling like I had been kicked in the kidneys. It seemed to be a clearing of my kidneys. It might not have even been a virus, perhaps it was an activation and cleanse? Multiple intuitive perceptions are online now. I’m enjoying the data that is popping in right now in very high resolution imagery.
I have not heard from Heather since December 10th. She sent several of us a short message saying “Here we go! See you on the other side!” and we were hopeful that perhaps a pardon was in progress for both her and RKB. We knew there was a 14 day BOP quarantine period before release, Heather had requested from Denice the latest AG Barr guidelines to prisons regarding COVID quarantines in the BOP, which gave us good reason to hope for her being freed around Christmas time and with her family. That did not transpire.
I made a call to Heather’s husband in January to see if he had received any information as to her whereabouts. He had received a letter from Heather explaining her local accommodations had brought in a bus load of COVID infected ladies and didn’t quarantine them. Whether COVID is real or not I am not going to argue – those tests do get people locked down. It quickly spread throughout the complex. Heather was tested twice and negative both times. She and other ladies in similar testing status were separated and put into temporary housing away from the general population as a “safety measure”. Heather has had no access to email or commissary from her new housing. It was not the news we had hoped for, especially after some of the more controversial pardons that had taken place, but comforting in that we knew where she was.
The W.T.F. in Heather’s letter below is an inside joke between me and Heather. It’s my initials. It aptly defines my screwy life and career path (another story) that only really made complete sense after I met Heather. It was perfect training for what the work I needed to do in all this… and its been an honor to be a part of all this.
– W.T.F.
WTF… With the delivery of complete consciousness, the resulting fireworks are brilliant! Cued and looping through exponentially through it all:
Neil Diamond
~ (First and almost simultaneously every “where”
throughout the world… and all experience )
Universal Security Agreement!
Love You!
Love All!
Far…We’ve been traveling far
Without a home
But not without a star
Free… All we want is to be free
We huddle close
And Hang on to a Dream
On the beach and on the planes
They’re coming to America
Never looking back again
They’re coming to America
Home… Though it seems so far away
We’re traveling light today
In the eye of the Storm
In the eye of the Storm
Home… To a new and good shining place
Make our bed and we’ll say our grace
Freedom’s light burning warm
Freedom’s light burning warm
Everywhere around the world
They’re coming to America
Every time that flag’s unfurled
They’re coming to America
They’ve got a dream to take them there
They’re coming to America
They’ve got a dream they’ve come to share
They’re coming to America ( X 4)
They’re coming to America… TODAY!
TODAY! ( X 4)
My Country ’tis of thee
Sweet Land of Liberty
Of thee I sing …
Of thee I sing …
TODAY! ( X 6)
PS: ~ It took even MORE “poking of the bear” to hyper accelerate this that it did for D.C.! Pffffft! LOL… at least Pat Benatar’s HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT can be retired now.
~ Hugs, Love, Gratitude, Heartitude, Joy and Celebrations for All, With All, By All!
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