Stepping unto Magic Carpet
This is Lord Metatron at your service to bring forth understanding of the present energies of yet another season that will be experienced upon the Earth.
It does not matter where you are physically located in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. Each element around the earth is going to be feeling the effects of this magnificent light storm arriving into Gaia.
As the Winter Solstice represents bringing Light into a Dark year, it allows for the transference of energies to be felt far and wide. As the Summer Solstice represents the Light being the focal point for the Darkness that has been experienced through this past season. So as you see it doesn’t relate to where you are living, but how you allow yourself to be blessed by the incoming light frequencies.
Each of us is riding the Wave Of Light ~ all of humanity and all of the Divine Beings associated within the Inner Plane. It depends upon how you will experience this Wave Of Light and what it may mean for your planetary existence at this time.
The darkness has been felt and is expressed by many souls upon this earth. Each of you with each of us in the Spiritual Hierarchy has a job to do together. We must not allow this darkness to prevail, we must work within the higher realms to understand the process that is occurring within the planet presently.
But you will not understand it in the way that you think.
It will occur through your Higher Mind ~ the Divinity of your Light to be felt by all that walk this pathway. Aren’t you a Wayshower ~ paving the way for others so that they can see their own light?
This Solstice arriving December 21st, at 10;44 GMT, 2;44 AM Pacific, 5:44 AM Eastern is the most magnificent ride of creation that you will have experienced within this year.
It has been a challenging time for many. But yet, within those energies there has been success in many areas. It is about your perception of yourself and how you see it within your own eyes that will determine your future. This Solstice is a moment for your REBIRTH; not only within your experience upon this earth as human, but the designated outcome that you will allow yourself to be through this process.
The Wave of Light that is coming into the planet is assisting each of you to know yourself deeper and in a much better way than you have ever experienced before. The Rebirth is occurring right now within your own consciousness and your planet. You have a grand opportunity to be more than you ever have been before.
This wave of energy that is coming forward is allowing every soul to fully look within themselves and see changes that will result in a new way of living, of breathing, and being part of a movement of energy unto this Earth. Every person will experience it differently so it is up to each of you personally on how you are going to accept the change that is coming.
I know many of you already know what it is. It has been brewing inside of you through each acceleration throughout the year. You have felt it within the moon cycles, the changes of the planets and how they are interacting with the present energies. It is time within the year of 2016 to realize the stages of completion you have been preparing for.
Do You Understand What I Am Saying?
Light infractions will be coming into the earth in a very short time. You may have already experienced them within your consciousness. Many of you are seeing small moments of realization when you have been trying to accept a new way of living and the window has opened for the opportunity to allow it to be revealed.
Feel it. Become It. because it is time that you realize all that you have been doing is going to be your reality. Not part of it, but all that you have been working upon this year.
The Call Has Been Received ~ You asked questions, you wonder why elements have not changed and now within these moments you will see an opportunity to not wonder about it any longer.
This is what happens when the Christ Consciousness becomes the defining factor in each soul’s life.
This year more than any other year upon the history of the earth will mark an improvement upon the thoughts, actions, and feelings of humanity. The Wave of Light we speak about has been readying itself to arrive within the planet. The Great Central Sun of Helios and Vesta are readying themselves to express these light particles unto Gaia and all her inhabitants.
It is a grand opportunity for every soul to receive this light, to make changes in their world, to change their habits, their thoughts, and feelings about the corruption of this planet.
We know what happens during these accelerations but what do you do with it afterwards?
This is an important realization to have within yourself. We have to change it all and we of the Angelic Realm of Light bring forth this grand opportunity for each of you to become the conduit of Love that you desire. There is no question that during this Solstice lives will change, some for the better and others not as well. It all depends upon their thought processes that are occurring right now.
I will be extending this light frequency to each of you for several days until the end of the year. A doorway is being opened to allow this Wave of Light to assist all Sentient Beings to become what their Higher Self’s desire them to be.
The end of strife will now end; the Will to Save is Here.
It is up to each of you and how you will accept the change within you. You are the Christ and you must now show within yourself that it is time to release the bondage of the past and allow the Consciousness that you Love to become YOU.
This movement of light will continue into December 31st until the doorway opens into the New Year of 2017. Will you be one that allows your I AM Presence to show you the way into Oneness? This is the time you have been waiting for and I walk with you to help it become a reality within your consciousness first.
You must remember you are not here to save the world, you are here to save yourself from continued tyranny of your past timelines. If every soul could achieve this end, the world would change immediately.
Allow this Wave of Light to assist you in your journey.
Will you step unto the Magic Carpet with me and see what life has to offer to you? Are you willing to let go of all the drama of the past, all of the elements that hold you back?
Then come with me, let me show you the way. So, then others will follow and the year of 2017 will be Oneness and a new beginning for Gaia.
Take time during this phase of the year to realize the potential you have within yourself to change, what elements do you need to address, what is your subconscious mind telling you in any given moment, let all these old elements change for the better.
Please know it will not happen magically unless you are ready to really understand who you are as a Soul and a Physical Being Upon this Earth. It is a great time of testing, but it is a wonderful time of acceleration. Change is possible as long as you are willing to look into the many mirrors that need to be healed, reformed, and allow your transformation to take place.
I look forward to our continued journey with each other.
I Am Lord Metatron, Always At Your Service
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