OPPT Public Interest Courtesy Notice: Monsanto
Filer: Rebecca Em Campbell
107 Pine St., No. 332
Seattle, WA 98101
Recipients: Michael R. Taylor-Deputy Commissioner for Foods
United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
Former General Counsel for the Monsanto Company
10903 New Hampshire Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20993
Robert Perciasepe-Director
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington, DC 20460
Thomas Vilsack-Secretary
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250
Hugh Grant-Chief Executive Officer
The Monsanto Company
800 North Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, Missouri 63167
Legal Matter: US Government Imposition of Monsanto’s Toxic Products on the American People and the People of the World
Whereas, the Monsanto Company, as a transnational purveyor of agricultural biochemical technology, has been incestuously incorporated into the US government since the Second World War, with its corporate agents being widely employed as federal legislators, lobbyists and agency/court officials; US Government-Monsanto Corporate Ties
Whereas the vast majority of federal legal and administrative rulings have overwhelmingly favored Monsanto, despite the obvious merits of those public interest cases brought against this corporation for its toxic products of DDT, Agent Orange, Roundup, Saccharin, Aspartame, bovine growth hormone, genetically modified organisms/food, genetic patenting, terminator seeds and its organic seed bank fortress in the Arctic, as well as massive cancer clusters, crop failures, destruction of small farms, rainforests, public lands, farm lands, clean water and biodiversity, farmer suicides, and irremediable corruption of governments throughout the world; US Government Agency/Court Rulings Overwhelmingly Favor Monsanto
Obama Slammed for Signing “Monsanto Protection Act”
Compilation of Articles About Monsanto-US Corporate Government Collusion in Criminal Activities
Whereas this exposes on the part of the US government corporation, its congressional board of directors, its agencies and its courts, deliberate denial of remedy, indicating complicity in criminal conspiracy by aiding and abetting Monsanto in crimes against nature and humanity, these also being war crimes, since America has been under martial law since the beginning of the Civil War in 1861; Lincoln’s Declaration of Martial Law Has Never Been Rescinded; This Has Been Quietly Used Against We the People
Whereas these actions/inactions clearly indicate on the part of the US government and its client, Monsanto, a pattern of criminal intent and conduct in violation of the Geneva Conventions and Nuremberg Codes, as well as the Bill of Rights and the United States Code, including the RICO Act; The Ten Points of the Nuremberg Code
The Geneva Conventions-Protocol II http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protocol_II
The Bill of Rights-Articles 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/billofrights
United States Code(USC), Section 18 (RICO Act)-Chapters 1, Sect. 4-Misprision of Felony/10-Biological Weapons/11B-Chemical Weapons/ 19-Conspiracy/50A-Genocide/73-Obstruction of Justice/79-Perjury/109-Illegal Searches and Seizures/113B-Terrorism/115-Treason/118-War Crimes http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I
Whereas, beginning in late October 2012, the One People’s Public Trust filed a series of legal actions under the Universal Commercial Code (UCC) dechartering/foreclosing upon the global banking cartel, its associated transnational corporations and private, for-profit corporations masquerading as governments that also served it, thereby freeing the people of the earth; Compilation of Articles http://wakeup-world.com/oppt-in/ About (OPPT) UCC Filings.
One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) http://i-uv.com/oppt-absolute/original-oppt-ucc-filings/
Therefore, since this includes the Monsanto Company — Dunn & Bradstreet DUNS Corporate Code No. 168428287 — as well as the entire private, for-profit US government corporation — DUNS Corporate Code No. 052714196 — and its agencies, the FDA — DUNS Corporate Code No. 138182175, the EPA — DUNS Corporate Code No. 057944910 — and the USDA — DUNS Corporate Code No. 029795793 — whose actual headquarters office is in St. Louis near that of Monsanto, indicating that they may have been branches of one and the same corporate entity — these corporate entities no longer exist, and therefore have no legal authority to impose their toxic products and policies upon the American people and the people of the world. Nor have their former employees any existing government or corporate immunity from legal action being taken against them for any criminal actions/inactions, possibly
resulting in the severe penalties mentioned above, as well as their personal assets being invoiced by sovereign citizens for considerable monetary amounts if they do not expeditiously comply with the following:
Hard Evidence of Corporate Takeover at All Levels of Government of the US/UN
I respectfully request, as one human being to another, that each former employee of these now-dechartered/foreclosed upon corporate entities begins to conduct him/herself in accordance with national, international and universal law; that they refuse any longer to participate in any further criminal actions or inactions against the American people and the people of the world, their food/water supply or the environment of this planet; that they will seek to remedy such systemic crimes already committed; and that they will discover for themselves, the American people and the people of the world vital information concerning these systemic crimes, that such crimes may thereby be prevented in the future, and that the perpetrators of those crimes inflicted in the past be held personally accountable for their chosen actions and inactions.
I do hereby affix my signature the _________ day of _______, in the year __________.
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