My Blissed I AM America
… And we quote:
The Real student of Light faces the Light and sends the Light before him.
America! America!
My blissed I AM Country!
The Light of God that never fails.
America! Tis Thee.
America! America!
The Cup that holds the Christ-Light that will light the planet wide.
America, my love for thee, let her freedom reign without divide.
~Kenneth J. Goodrich
… And we quote:
The name AMERICA is an anagram for the I AM RACE. The Divine Intent of this name represents a race of God Conscious people comprised of ALL races, ALL nationalities, ALL cultures, ALL religions, ALL creeds and ALL Lifestyles. A race of people who are functioning within the full embrace of their I AM Presence reflecting Oneness, Divine Love, Reverence for ALL Life, and decisions and actions that perpetually reflect the highest good for ALL concerned. And we quote.
Our Country and or our Republic of The United States of America is Govern by the Laws of:
The Declaration of Independence -1776
The Article of Confederation – 1777
The Northwest Ordinance – 1787
The Constitution FOR the united States of America – 1788
The Bill of Rights – 1791
The law of ONE
~we the people united as ONE for all
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